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(Kyra)🌌 " king you can't treat me like this we aren't little kids anymore remember that time that you pushed me off the swing because I wouldn't listen to you , you where always controlling I think it comes from you not knowing your dad I still don't know why I didn't know my dad and look at me I'm fine " king groaned angrily " shut the fuck up Kyra yo and if your ass was so fine you wouldn't be high on coke right now or left your three months premature baby at a stranger house you idiot " I pout he was being a meanie so I started counting the trees to Felicity's house once we got there I had lost count to many time to remember how many trees there where king got out and roughly dragged me out my seat I stubbled and got up "which house is hers again Kyra" I lazily pointed to a big yellow house on the side of us he grabbed me and dragged to the front door and rang the doorbell bell multiple times giving me aheadache a few minutes later Felicity's mom came down with crying Nova in her hand " may I help you young man and Kyra nice to see you again " I waved lazily " I'm here to get like my daughter " ms.johnson hesitated at first but but gave Nova to king Nova crying had quiet down " Kyra dear do you need help is he hurting you and Nova " I shook my head and and straight my body "come on Kyra I can't stand snobby ass people like this bitch " I rolled my eyes and followed him to the car " nigga stop acting like we don't live two miles from her " he ignored me and put Nova in her car seat while he tells her that I was being a bad girl i ignored him like he did to me and waited for him to get in the driver's seat "we got her back now so are you done being a asshat " he but the car in drive not saying a word to I rolled my eyes and rested my head on the window falling a sleep

I woke up to the sun shining in my face I looked around and realized I was still in the car I cursed out loud at Kings stupid petty ass he could have woking me up I got out the car and went through the garage through the door that lead to the kitchen I walk to the living room and seen king with Nova on his lap trying to drink her bottle but dumbass was to into his game to realize she wasn't getting any milk because the bottle is to heavy for her to tilt to her mouth she started to pout and I knew any minute she was going cry I went over to the dumbass and picked Nova up and Feed her the rest of her bottle " give me her why you got always fuck up shit she was chilling " ignored him and threw her empty bottle at his head and snatch her towel from him and placing it on my shoulder and burped her softly "what is your problem Kyra Everytime I fucking turn around your doing something your a mom now Kyra stop acting like a little ass kid grow up" I put Nova in her swing set then turn to look at king " king for the last fucking time you are not my father alright and I am raising my daughter for your information I am 16 years old king because of you I am missing out on my childhood because you want to do the shit you do those men who raped me was trying send you a message not me " Nova started to cry I ignore her cries and went up stairs into my room I went into my closet and looked through a bunch of unnecessary shit king bought me over the years to get me to live with him I looked through it and found a tight green dress I knew king had one of his many hoes pick these clothes out for me but I wasn't complaining they were cute but just not me but tonight I was going for just that not me

I laid the dress out on the bed and got in the shower making sure to shave everything and wash my hair once I got out I got matching bra and underwear and put them on and grabbed my phone and called Jaden

Phone conversation:

Jaden: hello beautiful I didn't think you would call

Kyra:well I did I want you to take me out today

Jaden: well damn ok anything for you beautiful

Kyra : I'll be ready in a hour alright

Jaden: ok


I hung up and slide my dress on and looked in mirror to see how it fit it hugged ever curve of my body which made me feel sexy having Nova filled me out yeah I had a stomach but everything else over shined that fact I did my make up a little bit and put on earring and put my hair in a neat bun before going down stairs I seen Nova sleeping in her swing I grabbed her ignoring Kings presents " Kyra where the fuck you going dressed like that " Ignored him and went up stairs and place Nova on her stomach in the crib I turn and king was standing at the door of her room " why you dressed up where are you going " went passed him and went to my room with him close by and put on my shoes and grabbed my phone from my charger Jaden text me saying he was outside king grabbed me but I pulled away from him before he gotten a tight grip and went outside I jumped into Jaden car quickly " so that was your babydaddy mean mugging me from the window huh" I rolled my eyes " let's not talk about that ass wipe right now let's have fun right now " he nodded and drove off "

" I should of told you your ass to put sweats or something on " I shook my head " why I got into the bumper cars just fine with the dress on " he looked over at me with his brow raise " Kyra please don't act like you didn't see all those niggas looking at your fine ass " I thought back then shook my head" well they were" I reach over and place my hand on his face because he was pouting " stop acting like a baby I'm sorry if you felt left out because every guy wanted to bump me and not you " he chuckled then pointed at me " I knew your ass notice those niggas got a nigga self-conscious and shit with your pretty ass " I giggled " of course I'm not blind Jaden they were almost dry humping my fucking Shadow and shit " we laughed for a bit before Jaden put his hand on my chin and bought me closer he kissed my lips softly then smiled " wanna go home or come to my house " I kissed his lips again " your house of course " he nodded before driving to his house

Once we got there Jaden open my door and picked me up bridal style to the front door I screamed I hated being pick up I felt so fat so I jump out of his arms quickly he laughed and open the door for me and escorted me upstairs to his room I sat on his bed and pulled out a blunt and a lighter I happy grabbed them from him and lit the blunt up he stood and watch me take the first puff "are you going watch me or sit down and take a hit" he chuckled and sat down resting his back on the head board I passed the blunt to him and he took a hit I got on to his lap he looked surprised and uncomfortable" what wrong " he sighed putting the blunt down "I like you Kyra I really do but your hella young and you sitting on my lap with that short ass dress on kind of makes feel uncomfortable" I smirk and licked before biting softly on his neck" you wasn't saying that in the car when you kissed me " he didn't say anything he groaned softly I slid my hands down to his pants and undid his pants slowly he stopped my hand before it got to his boxers " Kyra you sure " I knew I wasn't ready sex was still a very sensitive topic for me since being rape i still had nightmares about it but I wanted to get it over it i couldn't be scared all my life I took his member out of his boxers he was big my heart started to beat fast I breath in and pulled my dress up and slide my underwear to the side before sliding him into me it hurt I held his shoulders to steady myself so I could get used to his size " are you ok we can stop if you want " I shook my head and sank all the way down onto him he groaned loudly griping my hips roughly.....

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