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I watched as kyra was leaving the club with that fuck boy and felicity all my niggas was looking at me guns drawn waiting for my next move but i just sat there and sipped on my glass of henny slowly i wasn't chasing after her if she wanted to be grown then so be it i remember when times where simpler and the only argument we had is about my name i chuckled to myself thinking about when i was 10 and she was 5


Kingggggg give me it back its mine " i shook my head and pulled the toy tiger harder "no its not kyky its mine stupid " she let it go making me stubble back while her eyes water " I'm not stupid your name is stupid my grandma said you got a drug dealer name " i shook my head hard " no i don't stupid my mommy named me king because I'm her king and i protect her from bad people " she rolled her eyes and laughed " your to little dummy to protect her " i pushed her softly " i do protect her when she come home with booboos i help fix them and she calls me her hero " kyra wasn't paying attention to me anymore she was to into her doll to care what i was saying
End of flashback...

"Nigga you alright we can go after her if you really want us to " i shook my head and took another sipp of my drink


Once we got to felicity brother house he showed us to a mini bar he had his house and he started mixing drinks for us Felicity smiled and took a sip of the drink i stared at it unsure because i still breasts feed nova off and on " what you waiting for babygirl " i shook my head and picked it up taking a small sip i looked over at Felicity and seen she was already done with her first drink and onto her second i sip slowly pacing myself " you want some " i looked up and seen
Rolling a blunt i nodded knowing weed wasn't going hurt as much as this drink in my hand in the morning i watched jaden light the blunt and and take a puff and hand it to Felicity i can tell she was a partygirl some time ago because she was still acting normal after just downing two drinks after felcity was finish she past it to me i took it and had a puff and coughed from the sudden smoke filling my lungs felicity patted my back and jaden took the blunt away from me " you got to slow down babygirl" i nodded catching my breath after a while i got used to it and we past it in a steady rate till it was a small little blunt i sat back relaxing on Felicity while she played in my hair i looked over at jaden and he looked at me biting his lips and called me over with his finger i got up the couch and sat by him he moved my hair from my neck and planted light kiss on me i moaned at his plump lips on my neck he stoped pulled something out of his pocket it was small bottle filled a white substance he open it and spread it on the coffee table and broke it up with him credit card " i couldn't believe my eyes honestly i only seen shit like this in movies Felicity sat up quickly when jaden was rolling up a fresh dollar bill and snatched it sniffing up the neat lines he made on the the table he snatched it and did a line to and groaned and wiped his nose he gestured the dollar bill to me but I shook my head he sighed and placed the bill on the table and took my hand "listen your a beautiful girl Kyra but your a little up tight its just coke its not crack OK I promise you won't get addicted from one line " he gestured the dollar bill to me again I grabbed it not quite sure if I should do it or not felcity sat up and put her hand over mine "it will make you forget for a little while you deserve this kings not here right now"
I nodded thinking about that night and how rough they were with me and there nasty hand all over I took the dollar bill from Kaden and did a line it rush to my eyes and made my nose burn then everything went numb I laughed and wiped my noses off making sure there were no left over Kaden and Felicity smirked at me and made another line for me and I happily took it


I stumbled out of Jadens car and walk up the long path towards kings house or should I say ours I open the door lazily stubbling in the process making me hit the floor I laughed and seen the lights turn on I groan from the sudden brightness " really Kyra its four in the fucking morning where my fucking daughter " I laughed " oops I forgot her at Felicity's house ohwell" I felt hard foot steps stomp towards me and kings hand lift me up by my neck and slam me into the nearest wall"what you Mean you left my daughter she ain't no fucking toy that you can fucking forget you piece of Shit are you fucking high what that Shit on your nose " he roughly wiped my nose and examines his finger "coke are you fucking dumb Kyra you know what Shit like that did to are mothers and your doing it and leaving our daughter place you said you didn't want to be like are parents this is that same Shit they did to us Kyra " He sighed and punch the wall by my head making a hole in it he walked away from me I slid down the walk to tired to keep myself up anymore before I had the chance to pass out cold water was splashed all over me waking me up " come on now! Get where getting my kid tonight " he pulled me up and smacked my face lightly waking me up more then dragged me to one of his car and pushing me into the passenger side

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