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" kyra someone is here for you" I open my eyes to see two figures standing in front of my bed my vision cleared up and I seen Felicity holding flowers and king standing next to her I gave felicity a weak smile " king I'm hungry can you get me some food with some taste not hospital food please " he nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving out the door I watched as he left the look at felicity as she shifted awkwardly " felicity what are you doing here " she put the flowers down and moved her hair out of her face " um I notice you didn't come back to school on Monday after your suspension was up so I went to your house and I ran into your brother and he said you where here" I nodded and looked at my nails " king isn't my brother my mom took him in when when he was little " she nodded understandingly and looked at her feet " why are you really here felicity we never talk before why do just now start to care " she shrugged " I honestly don't know you just seem like you need a friend and I don't have many friends " I was about to say something when a nurse came in " kyra you are good to go but we are going to need to see you in a week for a pregnancy test and we'll go from there but after you get dress the police will like to talk to you " I nodded my head and looked down at my chipped nails not wanting to see Felicity's reaction when the nurse left there was awkward silence " can you please help me up so I can get dress " she nodded her head and rushed quickly to my side to help me to my feet I went into the bathroom after quickie grabbing the bag king had packed for me and change into the clothes that was in them I came out and seen two police officer standing at the door "Kyra jennings right" I nodded pushing my hair out of my face and walked closer to them "yeah" they nodded and one of the open a note pad waiting for one of us to say something "OK miss do you remember anything from the night you where took or after that " I shook my head " my mind still fuzzy all I remember I waking up here the two police nodded " alright if you start to remember anything call my office" one of them gave me a card with there number on it they walked away down the hall I sighed and looked at Felicity " can you take me home please " I felt my eyes start to water i burst into sobs Felicity pulled me into her arms I needed my mother someone I know I have king but it not the same I miss being able to talk to my mother and having her ask how my day was or if I made any friends that day I felt like a old women when I was only fifteen " I'm so tried I don't know what to do anymore I'm all alone " she hugged me tighter " I'll be there for you you won't have to be alone anymore " I nodded wiping the tears away " I need to get out of here now I'm getting stress out" she nodded " wait about king he went get the food " I waved it off " i'll tell the nurses to tell him " she nodded and we left

A week later .

I laid on my bed looking at the clouds my "father " painted on the ceiling I never new the man but my mom never really said anything bad about him just told me he loved me and used to tell me he would give me the whole sky if he could so he painted the sky on my ceiling so ever time I looked at it I would know how much he loved me that was kind of the only think I heard about him every time I ask about him my mom or grandmother would change the subject now that I'm older the desire to find out what happen to him kind of disappeared I heard my door open I looked away from the ceiling to the door and seen king come in he and laid next to me look at the ceiling " remember when we were younger and we uses to stare up here all day when it would ran and tell each others dirty jokes we heard from the big kid I remember your grandmother heard us one day and beat are ass you were screaming like you got murdered " I laughed at memory
and laid my head on his chest and sighed " we don't get to spend together your always at the trap or with some hoe" he shrugged his shoulder and rested his head against mine please find I let tear run down my cheek thinking back to this week king leaned down kissed my tears after heard me sniffle "whatever happens I'll be there for if you are pregnant Ill step up " I nodded and he rubbed my chunky belly I slap his hand away " I always wanted a kid but not with no random " I sat up and looked at him " king I don't want a kid and i want you to respect that "but for now till we get the result I don't want to talk about anything that happened this week " he nodded " I understand"

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