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I walk up the icy steps of my school tiffany and her friends were laughing and having a deep conversation till they seen me come up the stairs they stop and watch me come up the stairs " i thought she stop coming here if that was me i wouldn't come back " i shook my head laughing even tho i am fifteen and pregnant i have more class then any of these bitches "what are you laughing at just because you have my man now that you think your hot shit your ass still got raped . i shook my head and walk into the building i didn't have time for there shit i heard foot steps follow behind me and hand press into my back i fell forward i put my hand out to break my fall before i fell on to my stomach
"Yo what the fuck are yall doing !" i felt someone pull me up i looked up and seen this guy i seen him a couple times before we never really talk but i knew he was senior and his name was jeremiah " are you ok " i nodded put my head down dusting off my clothes " jeremiah you understa- " he cut tiffany off " i dont give a fuck tiffany i keep telling you to stop fucking with people one day your going get your ass beat and im not going be there to help your ass " she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes "your Always trying to be captain save a hoe but whatever lets go " after tiffany and her little friends left jeremiah grabbed my hand and lead me down the steps " where are you taking me " he stop and look at me and at my growing belly " to make sure you and the baby aren't hurt " before he had the chance to turn around i grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly where i felt the baby move " its ok " he gave me soft smile and moved his hand off my stomach " i'm happy your OK I'm sorry about my sister i told her to stop fucking with my bosses but her ass don't listen " i gave him a confused look i didn't even know tiffany had a brother " bosses?" he nodded his head and raised his eyes brows " you don't know kings one of my bosses" i shook my head and walk away from him i heard him call my name but i ignored i'm tried of kings men watching over me i cant even sneeze without kings men watching me. I got to the girls bathroom and lean against the bathroom door i heard his steps stop in front of the bathroom door " i know your annoyed with all of kings guards all over you but he called them all of because he know how you feel about them im only watching over you i'm not your guard or anything " i sighed to hungry to fight " ok i let the whole thing go if you take me to get Chinese 143 street " i heard a long pause then a sigh " ok but if king asked you walk your ass out ok " i peeked my head out and smiled at him shyly he rolled his eyes playfully and started walking down the hall i followed behind we seen the security guard i got nervous knowing he was probably was going to stop us but he just gave jeremiah a small nodded and step a side from the door we went to his car and he unlocked the door for us and i got " so how many people work for king in are school because im guess that security works for him ?
He smiled at me and started the car " alot babygirl a lot " i rolled my eyes knowing king probably told him not to tell me nothing about what he does i rested my hand on my growing stomach " so what are you having " i shrugged my shoulders " i am going find out this week but i don't think i want to i want it to be a surprise" i looked over him and he nodded his head " i know what your doing but king not going let you do it " i looked over at him confused " you think if you dont know the gender of the baby or buy any for baby it will be easier for you to give him or her up but news flash it doesn't it took tiffany months to get over giving up her baby up and i know king he will never let you do it he loves that kid already " i was going to say something but it was like something was holding me back maybe it was the fact that everything he was saying was true or the fact that i wanted to learn more about tiffany and what she went through " kyra just don't do it its a hard thing to do even for some a strong as yourself"
I just stared out the window and looked at the building pass by once we had reach the store i had got out the car and walked into the empty restaurant " sit down ill order for you ok" i nodded. I sat down and pulled out my phone and started doing random stuff till i heard laugh i looked up and i seen deamon and his friends me and damon made eye contact my breath got caught in my throat my breath be came uneven i put my hand on my stomach and i got up i couldn't breath. Jeremiah looked at me and came rushing to my side deamon at gave me the same look but stood in his place Jeremiah took me out the store " look breath ok breath in breath out and repeat ok " i nodded and did as he said " your just have a panic attack ok i just need you to calm down " my breath started to slowly down then i had finally stopped jeremiah had moved hair from my face " what happened in there was it damon in his crew " i shook my head fast he stared into my eyes then he started paced in front of me running his fingers through his hair " shit shit shit i didnt want to be the one to find out now i have be the one to tell him to " i shook my head again " no no its nothing i swear " he stopped and looked at me " those niggas raped you and your defending them " i shook my head as tear slid down my face he pulled the phone out his pocket and started dialing " they didn't rape me ill tell u everything tell you please ?

He looked at me and nodded putting his phone down

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