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(King pov )I watched him take his last puff of his cigar before speaking " who are you to my daugther king " i swallowed a lump that formed in my throat " shes like my little sister " he chuckled " king that not what i fucking ask you you are not her brother she has five real brothers so answer the question" i looked at him and glared " you know what let me get this straight you and your son wont get this through you thick ass skulls i am kyras brother, mother , father and father of her child. I am the one who feed and clothed her by my damn self i gave up my childhood to make sure were good i stayed and raise her when i could of just left you and those boys may be her biological family but my name holds weight to it " he stared at me with anger then he smirked " i like your heart kid but you ever talk to me like that again i will cut your voice box out and sew your lips to your ass you understand me " i nodded "what do you know about those niggas that raped kyra " i rubbed my eyes "um not much when she came out of her coma she had lost her memory so she didnt know anything so i didnt press her on the issue since she was pregnant " he scrunched his face up in disgust " she was in a coma "i nodded slowly " yeah they beat her so bad that she was close to dying i wanted so bad to kill everyone that did that to her but when i found out she was pregnant i couldnt just think about me and kyra no longer so i let it go " his fist tighten on the table till his knuckles where white "demtre,elijah bring that motherfucker in here now " i was confused. And turned to see demtre holding someone he came to the middle of the room and threw the nigga to the ground making him groan in pain he kick the guy in the ribs before taking off his face cover revealing that slimy nigga andrew i hate this nigga the way his old ass looked at kyra disgusted me i almost stomp his ass out plenty of times.
" what this slimy nigga doing here " andrew laughed " you havent heard babyboy i got a taste of your yummy"little sister " and will i say wasnt she so tight even after all those niggas being in her she still kept just right" i felt my self black out and my foot connected with his mouth and nose several times i felt someone pull me back " chill nigga i understand i want rip his head off his shoulders but we need answers for kyra and nova alright " i nodded and shrug demtre off me i looked at andrew and a chunk of his bottom row of teeth were missing and his nose was broking his face was dripping with blood tony walk up to him and pick him up harshly making him cry in pain he held a knife up to his throat which made him shut up "whos those niggas name who help your bitch ass " andrew looked at me ignoring tony and smirked with a toothless smile " hows my daughter huh king what that beautiful little girls name nova is it " i was about run up on him again but demtre held me back and tony cut the side of his face causing him to scream in pain again " OK OK man i dont remember all those niggas name their was to many all i know was they all were in this gang and the leader was this guy kane thats all i know ok " tony nodded before slicing his throat and throw his ass on the ground andrew gasp for air for five min before dying tony looked at demetre then demetre started texting on his phone a few minutes later a couple guys came and pick up andrews body and started to clean up the mess before leaving quicky i sat down in a near by chair with my head in my hands trying to let all this new infromation " wheres my daughter " demetre looked up from his phone at me " she up stairs with elijah" i nodded and stood up about go get her but tony stop me " sit king ,Elijah!" A few seconds later elijah came down stairs with nova in his arms while she held onto his face she looked over at me and screamed happily" can i hold her she looks so much like kyra and micah " i shrugged looking at tony this the first time since i met this man seeing him ask for anything " if she goes to you shes really picky with people " he nodded nervously before holding his arms out towards her while elijah was holding her she looked at him with drool coming down her face and smiled with full gums at him and reahing out for tony, tony smiled brightly at her before taking her out of elijahs hands he got her in his arms and it was like he was a different person the guy i was afraid a hour ago turned into this teddy bear he was making faces at nova to make her laugh and tickling her after almost a hour he acknowledged me demtre and elijahs presents in the room watching him

(Kyra's pov ) it was getting annoying now he was staring a hole into my skin i looked at him and glared " can i help you because you seem to have a staring problem " he smirk and rubbed his beard looking me up and down i rolled my eyes and looked around the room and seen that mostly everyone was sleep besides this girl angie who was texting on her phone ignoring are presences " im wondering when your beautiful self was going to say something to me " i squited my eyes "sooo you think being creepy is the right way to get my attention " he laughed and shrugged " different girls different approaches " i raised my eyebrow " so 'girls' mean multiple of them no thanks ill rather not have a s.t.d" he smirked and grabbed a stran of my hair pulling it infront of my face " who says we going do anything what if i wanted to be your friend youngin " i rolled my eyes " mhm sure you just want to be friends i may be a youngin but i'm not stupid like you think i am " i rubbed his beard and pushed his face and he laughed " i dont think your dumb beautiful far from that in fact but i wanna get to know you what you say ?" He smiled a beautiful white smile my hearted melted a little i blushed and looked away trying to stay strong not to fall for his charm he grabbed my face gently and making me look into his eyes "dont look away alright when I'm talking to you " i raised my eyebrow " you my dad now whatever your name is " he shook his head " nah your dad is scary asshit but i can be your daddy tho and my name is roman" i rolled my eyes again before getting up from the chair " well roman or daddy I'm going to bed micah is probably waiting for me up stairs " i left without hearing his response i walked down the hall till i came to the stairs or tried to before someone pushed me agaisnt the wall softly i seen that it was roman " what you doing guy you scared me " he pulled one of my legs up so i can feel all of him i gasped when i felt what was there before i could talk romans juicy lips where on mine before i had the chance to enjoy and kiss back the front door had open he broke away to see everyone Elijah, demetre and my father and they looked at me and roman shocked and angry " damn yall house big as hell i almost got lost down this damn drive way " i gasp when i seen king holding a sleeping nova come into the door behind them he stopped and looked at the scene displaced infront of him and glared at romans hands on me i pushed away from roman to get a better look at novas face the tears where coming down i was so happy to see her that i blocked out roman aruging with my brothers and father i tried getting closer to and nova but king step back and blocked her from my view " please king " he shook his head stepping back more

d" he smirked and grabbed a stran of my hair pulling it infront of my face " who says we going do anything what if i wanted to be your friend youngin " i rolled my eyes " mhm sure you just want to be friends i may be a youngin but i'm not stupid l...

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