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I stared at nova while she was in her crib she was so small for her age and that made me sad that she will always be behind the kids her age but she was a strong baby she will catch up I picked her up and bought her in to my room I laid her down beside me and I ran my fingers through her hair and and sniffed her it maybe seem weird to some people but I just loved the way she smelled every time I smelled her my mood just brightens I laid her on her stomach beside me she moved a little I held my breath hoping she'll go back to sleep peacefully I heard I heard a soft cry come from her I sighed and picked her up and rocked her softly back to sleep she got comfortable on my bare chest and fell fast asleep I put her down on the bed again making sure not to wake her up again I got up from the bed as soon as I heard my stomach grumble I went into the kitchen and seen king on his laptop i Ignored his presents and went into the fridge and got out some eggs and some cheese to make a quick omelette

" Kyra I didn't mean to say all that shit about you I just don't want you to get hurt OK your like my little sister I never want something to happen to you " I stayed quiet for a minute and turn of the fire off on my now cooked omelette and looked at king " king I'm going say this once and once only OK you are not my brother OK and I am not your sister we may have grown up with each other but that does not mean where siblings we just so happened to both have fucked up parents that didn't give to fucks about us to stop the fucked up shit they were doing to raise us so we got stuck together and once you volunteered to raise nova with me that didn't mean you be my father and hers your her father not mine I am her mother you are her father that makes us equal " he nodded understanding were I'm coming from I was just so tried of him think that just because I was younger that meant I couldn't raise my child or date or do anything for myself my mom may not been there all the time for us but she taught us to protect our self I grabbed my food and went up the stairs into my room I and sat in the darkness I would never admit this to king but when every I was alone with just my thought I thought about that day all can picture was me screaming and me praying to god if he got me out of there I would do anything but no one came for me no help me I was all alone as each of those men used me I looked over at nova how could someone so beautiful come out one the worst days of my life

I went into my dresser and pull out the coke i stole from jaden and did quick bump of it I groaned felt the high take over my body I loved the feeling I loved being numb and not having thoughts I loved not thinking how lonely I was despite all these people around me I looked over at nova again and a flashback of my head being pushed to the wall as someone pounded into me I took two more bumps of the coke and felt the memories fade I laughed loudly I heard the sound of a baby crying I laughed again tell the baby to be quiet I felt my eyes drop down heavier as the crying got louder" what the fuck ?!" I open my eyes a little and seen king staring down at me angryly i closed my eyes no longer able to keep then open the crying stopped then I felt myself being lifted up I groaned then I felt cold water being washed over me I gasped for air I felt light slaps being place on my face I looked up through water and seen king I pushed his hand away from my face and got up out the bath lazily " what the fuck you do that for " king pushed me against the wall by my throat I gasped unable to breath " k-king I can't b-breath " his grip got tighter " good you shouldn't be allowed to breath after the shit you just pulled your a stupid bitch I swear you went on and on about us being equal we will never be equal I won't let you do the same shit my momdid to me to nova I want your ass out tonight Kyra I don't care were you go call you punk ass boyfriend y'all junkies got to stick together" he let me go and I fell to the floor I got all the air back into my system and sat on the bathroom floor

I got up a few minutes later and went into my room and changed my clothes and packed a back full of clothes I called jaden and he said he'll be here in five minutes I walk down the stairs and seen king by the door with nova in his hand I reached out to give her kiss goodbye but he snatched her out of my reach I open the door and stepped out before I had the chance to look at nova the door was slammed in my face I put my hand over my mouth trying to quite the sob that was breaking through

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