Chapter 1.

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Hii!! This is my second fanfiction, I hope you like it! Don't forget to read my other fanfiction: "The Encounter (A Harry Styles Fanfiction). Pls, vote, comment and follow xx


I just wonder if I'm going to be forever alone.. I mean I had one real love of my life, and he was my bestfriend, but I moved to America, and I never saw him again. And at the same time was when he auditioned for X Factor. It was when we were in highschool, his name was Zayn. I wonder how he is now, why he stopped calling, or writing to me, he promised he wouldn't until he saw me again. But I guess things change and so do people. I think the fact that he became part of One Direction, was why he forgot about me. I just wish I could see him again.

But then again, I wish I wouldn't see him again. My emotions would come rushing back to my heart, and just make me miserable.

He told me he loved me. He said he would come back for me, he said he would never stop loving me. The letters stopped coming when he got in X Factor..

I guess I do still love him, his smile still takes over my heart. You probably think I'm crazy, but I'm not. His mom loved me, she always said that if Zayn ended up marrying me she wouldn't be surprised! I remember watching The X Factor, series 7, and seeing his audition, brought me to tears. I remember him singing to me the same song, with so much passion, and raw emotion.

But then, I heard that he started dating Rebecca Ferguson, and now he's dating Perrie Edwards. And they've been dating, for like a year now.

I was on my way to the airport with my bestfriend, Lauren, she said she always wanted to go London. So after we graduated, we bought tickets and headed here for break. My parents managed to get an apartment, in London, within our price range. I've never seen it before but they said we would like it. We're probably going to stay there, for about 3 months. I wanted to see if I got in Cambridge Uni what it would be like. I've always wanted to go there since I was a kid.

"I'm so excited! Can you believe it, we're going to London!! I've never been here, I'm sure its beautiful."

"I honestly don't know what the big deal about London is, I've lived here for half of my life. It's not as great as you think it is!" I tell her, trying to convince her to calm down.

"Uhuh.. So what's his name?" Lauren asked, as if something mischievious was going on.

"What are you talking about, Lauren?" I responded, Dang she knows me so well.

"I know you, Jay.. Come on you have the whole plane ride to tell me." She said as we got on the plane.

"Fine.." And then I told her on the entire plane ride here.

"So you're speaking of ZAYN MALIK, FROM ONE DIRECTION??!!" Not only is she One Directions #1 fan, she couldn't believe that he was my first love.

"Yes, Lauren.. Settle down, it doesn't matter anymore."

"Yes, it does Jay!! You guys would make such cute babies!! Ohmygosh, you guys are going to be together forever!!" She practically yells, so basically everyone in the freaking plane heard.

"Shut up!! Your so freaking loud! Great now the whole world knows!!" I tell her, starting to get annoyed.

"Okay, fine, I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom." she tells me as she leaves first class.

We were seated in first class, because my parents insisted on buying the plane tickets, and since money was never a problem for my family, we were seated here.

I hear a low british voice say: "Excuse me ma'am I was wondering if my mate, Harry could have some more champagne, he's a little uneasy when it comes to planes. You'd think he'd be used to it by now."

"No, problem sir. Anything else." The sweet flight attendant responded to him.

I turned around to see who it was.

It was Zayn.

Zayn Malik.. Supposedly the love of my life.

He was here.

In this very plane.

He catches my eye and smiles, but soon enough I turn around and start doing something with my phone.

He just smiled at me.

Ha. Wow, I can't believe this, I'm nothing to him anymore. I'm no Perrie, just a stranger to him.


That was the first chapter, I hoped you liked it. There's more to come! Don't forget to comment, vote and follow pls.x

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