Chapter 2.

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Chapter 3!! I hope you like it don't forget to follow, vote and comment. xx


"What just happened? Why are you flushed? JAAY!!?" She basically yells for the whole plane to hear. Including Zayn.

"Z-Z-Zayn's here." I managed to blurt out in a whisper.

"WHAT?! Did he recognize you, did you go say hi? What did you do? The things that happen when I go take a piss for like a second!" She freaks out with her wide blue eyes staring me down.

I tell her what happened.

"Ohmygod. We're on the same plane with One Direction, and the love of your life. This is the best day ever Jay!!" Lauren was really starting to get on my nerves.

"I hate him, he doesn't remember me. So all of those things he promised me, they were all lies . I never want to see him again!" I ramble on to my bestfriend.

"Well that's too bad, because when we get off the plane I want a picture with Harry, so you're going to have to deal with it. This is never going to happen again, we are never going to see them again. London is huge! Just this once.. Please?" She begs me, and then I finally agree.


*Zayn's POV*

That girl looked very familiar.. I wonder what her name was. I think I've seen her before, maybe at one of our signings. Huh. Who knows? She looked rather flushed when she saw me smile at her. She was quite beautiful.  Brown wavy hair, ocean blue eyes, and an unforgettable smile.

What are you thinking, Zayn. You have Perrie remember?

"Mate, please go get me some more champagne." Harry begs me as he looks more nauseous than ever.

"I don't think so mate, I think you've had enough." I responded to him.

Haz, hates flying. But i don't know how he hasn't gotten over the fear, since we have flied millions of times from place to place to perform.

"That girl you were looking at, she was quite fit, Zayn." He winks at me.

"I have a girlfriend, Haz, remember Perrie?"

"Oh yeah.. But I like this one better." he starts laughing rather loudly, causing the mysterious girl to turn around again.

I catch her gaze, she's beautiful. But she looks away from me again. With hate rather than appreciation. I don't think she's a fan.

Alright, Zayn. Grow a pair and go talk to her. You can always make a new friend!

I quickly got up from my seat next to Harry, and sat right next to the pair of seats her and her friend were sitting in.

I hear her friend say to her: "Ohmygod Jay, look."

Jay. I once knew a girl named Jay. She was my first love. God, how I missed her. But she never wrote me back. And after losing X Factor our career began, and I just stopped, because I thought she had forgotten about me.

She turns around, and looks at me. Showing no change of expression. No screaming, no crying, no fainting. I guess she really wasn't a fan. But it was clear that she knew who I was.

"Hi! I'm Lauren, and this is Jay!" Her friend Lauren says super excited, and then Jay shoots her a look and she stops.

She was American.

"Hey, I'm Zayn. You know from One Direction? I've never met a girl named Jay before." I informed them. Trying hard not to remember her ...

"I know, I'm a big fan, but Jay over here.. Not so much.." She said turning her head over to Jay.

"We're headed to London, what about you?" I asked, trying to see if I would ever see Jay again.

"Well, we're all headed to London. Because that's where the plane is taking us.." A british accent escapes Jay's mouth as she murmurs this.

She rolls her eyes at me, and starts playing with her phone.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Lauren and Jay. I'll see you around?" I said directing the question to Jay, but since she didn't really like me, Lauren answered instead.

"Yeah, we will. Bye Zayn it was nice meeting you too!" She smiles at me and shot Jay a look.

"Yeah. It was great." Jay said sarcastically, as she was elbowed by her friend. "Ow."

I waved goodbye, and walked back to my seat.

Why did she hate me so much? Was it something I did? Something I said? Oh well, it's not my problem. I wasn't that interested in her anyway. And plus I have a beautiful, girlfriend waiting for me at home. But Jay. She was different. I wonder if I would ever see her again.



that was chapter 2. I'm sorry that was so bad, I'm not very good at these lol xx comment, follow and vote pls xx

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