Cold Cuddles

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Sollux was standing in the hot water of the shower with his eyes closed, listening to the pounding on the door.
"Sollux fucking Captor, get your ass out of my bathroom and stop using all of my hot wwater!" Eridan shouted and was happily ignored by the taller troll. Sollux only turned off the shower when the water grew colder and snatched one of the ridiculous violet towels off its place on the shelf. The yelling continued as he dried off his hair and body before pulling the sweatpants he had shed nearly two hours earlier. He ignored the empty threats and pleading while he brushed his hair. Eridan was practically wailing by the time Sollux had dried his hair off, and he decided to have mercy on the sea dweller. When he opened the door, Eridan immediately shoved him aside and locked him out of the bathroom.
"Wath that egg in your hair?" He could hear clothing hit the floor on the other side of the door.
"Shut up!" He snickered and leaned on the door.
"How the hell did you manage to get that in your hair?"
"None of your fucking business, that's howw! Noww go rot your insides with those shitty energy drinks or something!" Sollux happily complied with this demand after he heard Eridan's high pitched shriek when cold water inevitably hit bare skin. He sipped his drink and grabbed a blanket and the remote before flopping onto the couch and putting on some movie he didn't care about. He let his mind wander as the movie droned on, thinking about his next coding project. Another movie started and briefly interested him before becoming just as dull as the last one, but it pulled him out of his thoughts long enough for him to realize his can was empty. He tossed it in the trash and zoned out once more, far too lazy to grab another can.
He must have drifted to sleep while lost in thought, because when he became aware of his surroundings once more, the movie was over and cold arms were locked around his waist. He shuddered and tried to push the cold troll laying on top of him off.
"ED, what the fuck?" He received no verbal response, and Eridan on tightened his grip and shivered. "Get off of me." Nothing. He glared down at the shorter troll.
Eridan had his face pressed against the flat plane of Sollux's stomach and his damp hair hung loosely around his fins, for once not held up by gels and sprays. He was wearing nothing but red and blue boxers and didn't seem to be letting go of Sollux any time soon. Sollux groaned and weakly shoved at his shoulders, but the sea dweller wouldn't budge. It would have been easy to remove him from Sollux with the help of his psionics, but Sollux didn't care that much. In fact, he liked Eridan being here with him. Not that he would ever admit that out loud.
The only problem Sollux really had with this situation was how cold the arms around him were. He shivered and tried to squirm away from them, but was only pulled closer. This continued for a few moments before Sollux gave up and sulked silently. Then he attempted to escape again, and failed, again. Finally, he resigned himself to his fate and pulled Eridan closer.
"Holy shit, you're cold." Surely it wasn't healthy for him to be this cold?
"Wwell, someone used up all of my hot wwater." Eridan's teeth chartered as he spoke and Sollux held him tighter. Guilt clawed at his chest as he wrapped the two of them in blankets. It was his fault that Eridan was freezing. What if he got Eridan sick? Is that a thing that could happen? He rubbed the arms of the smaller troll in an attempt to get blood circulating again. Eridan continued to shiver and buried his face in the crook of the yellow bloods neck. Sollux felt his cheeks heat up and his stomach tie in knots when cold lips brushed against his throat.
"Yeah, yeah... I'm thorry." Sollux gave up on rubbing when it didn't seem to be helping and wrapped Eridan in a hug. His eyes sparked and he turned up the heat in the house with the help of his power, then rolled over in an attempt to get more comfortable. Cold legs wrapped themselves around him and pulled him closer. He held onto Eridan tightly and pressed his cheek against the drying tuft of violet in his hair. He cheeks grew hotter when cold fingers trailed down his bare back and stopped at the waist band of his sweatpants.
He layed like that for what felt like an eternity, trying to warm up Eridan with a blush on his cheeks. When they finally moved, Sollux's legs were numb and he whined at the loss of contact.
"This couch is fucking uncomfortable." Eridan stated, sitting up. Sollux glared at him.
"It ith not. Lay back down." Eridan glared back. Sollux noticed he was still shivering and sighed. "ED, lay back down." Eridan didn't budge, but instead frowned and shook his head. Sollux glared up at him and received a glare in return. They sat in silence for a few minutes, neither willing to give up, until Eridan sneezed. Any annoyance that Sollux felt towards the shivering sea dweller was replaced with worry, and he pulled Eridan back down and hugged him close. Eridan squirmed and Sollux held onto him tighter, not letting him sit back up.
"Sol, this is fuckin uncomfortable!" Eridan whined loudly, but huddled closer to the warmth coming from Sollux's body and made no effort to get comfortable. Sollux rolled his eyes.
"Then get comfortable, idiot." He pulled Eridan closer to him and wrapped them both in the blanket once more. Eridan whined, but after some shifting and grumbling, sucked in comfort. Sollux held the shivering Ampora close to his body and kissed his forehead. "Flushed for you, dumbath." Eridan smiled and hugged the blushing troll. Sollux felt cold lips press a kiss to the corner of his mouth before Eridan's face was buried in his shoulder and a small smile creeped onto his face.
"Flushed for you too, Sol." Eridan murmured, with a smile of his own forming.

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