I Won't Say I'm In Love

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     He was an annoying bastard. Right off the bat, Sollux disliked everything about him, from his shitty fashion sense to the way a small strand of purple hair always seem to hang in his eyes. He had expected a huge, towering authority figure or something but... not this. This was not the powerful, awesome guy that FF had told him about. This was some privileged brat with no manners to speak of. Sollux absolutely despised the fact that he thought the sprinkle of freckles on Eridans cheekbones were cute.

     It took some long days of hard work, but he finally taught Eridan some proper god damn manners. The first thing Eridan did with his new found kindness was to politely tell Sollux to engage in some lewd activities with a cactus. They had a long way to go.

     After about a year, Eridan had finally settled into the apartment he shared with Sollux. This was his new home. Once he embraced this fact, Sollux found him much more bearable. There were less high pitched shrieks at whatever piece of furniture has tripped him, proclaiming that they would be destroyed in rather creative ways. Sollux was honestly surprised that he himself had never gotten such a threat. Surely, he infuriated Eridan much more than anything inanimate object in the house. He did all kinds of things to the man in an effort to piss him off. But all Eridan ever did when Sollux made him mad was get red in the face and storm away. As he left, he'd usually bump into several things, making his exit much less dramatic. Sollux thought it was adorable.

     He wasn't sure why he hadn't pushed the hipster idiot out of his bed as soon as he felt arms wrap around his waist. He almost did, but then a small drop of water hit his cheek. He could feel the muffled sobs of the other boy where his back met Eridans chest. Sollux didn't even have to ask before Eridan was stumbling over apologies, explaining he had a nightmare. A very bad nightmare about the death of his brother, as Sollux would later find out. Without a word, Sollux had turned around and hugged him close, humming a tune his mother used to sing to him and Mituna when they couldn't sleep. Within minutes, he found himself tangled up in an awkward ball of limbs, with Eridans head on his chest. As he listened to the calm breathing of the other, he realized that he really loved the way that the shorter man's slightly tanned skin contrasted with his own pale skin tone.

     He found that they were spending more time together. When Sollux sat on the couch to watch a few hours of mindless tv, Eridan would wander over and tuck himself into his arms. When he would sit down to a game of poker with Karkat, Eridan would drape himself across the back of the chair to watch and make snide comments about his playing style. Sollux began to think he was getting addicted to the feel of Eridans warm palm pressed against his skin.

     By now, Sollux knew that he was in far too deep. He couldn't fall asleep unless Eridan was pressed comfortably against his side. He'd have nightmares if Eridan was mad at him. He'd miss the comfort of Eridan being near as soon as he would leave to grab something from another room. It was like Aradia all over. He was going to get his heart broken, and he knew it. But when he found himself lost in these dark thoughts, a pair of soft lips would press against his own chapped ones, and a light, teasing voice would pull him out of his paranoia. Sollux always smiled and chased those lips to get a second kiss. Eridan always gave him that second kiss with a coy smile. Sollux was absolutely, positively, no doubt about it in love and it was too late to back out now. Not that he wanted to.

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