I love you but you're interrupting my show

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     The evening wasn't going how Eridan had planned at all. He had envisioned a romantic setting, fleeting kisses and touches while the movie was ignored. He had pictured passionate embraces, and quiet murmurs telling of the love they shared. He pouted, annoyed that Sollux brushed off yet another kiss. He huffed and sat back, ignoring the movie in favor of pouting. Sollux was ignoring him for a dumb movie. And the movie was probably stupid too. Stupid and dumb. Of course, Eridan wasn't watching it so he couldn't know if it was stupid, or dumb. But it probably was. That's all that mattered. A soft whine of annoyance escaped him as Sollux, yet again, brushed away Eridans hands.
     "Shush, it's jutht getting good." Solluxs eyes remained locked on the screen, following whatever story was being presented there. Eridan sighed and watched his boyfriend. He knew it was silly, but he felt as if he didn't matter to the lanky man right now. All that seemed to matter to him was the movie. He looked down to his hands, deflated. Moments later, a weight settled itself against his chest and he gave Sollux an odd look. The man in question said nothing, simply watching the movie quietly. Despite wanting to mope for a while longer, a smile crept onto Eridans face. His arms made their way around the thin waist as the movie continued. He didn't pay attention anymore than before, but he decided that he was more satisfied than he had been before. Of course, he was still annoyed that the movie prevented him from getting Sollux in a more.... compromising position, but he could deal with that for now.
     Unfortunately, when the movie ended, Sollux discovered that there was a sequel. And despite much protesting on Eridans part, Sollux decided to watch it. Eridan groaned, only to be shushed by his boyfriend and once again began to sulk. He buried his face into the brown mop of hair before him and pouted, unhappy once again. Stupid movies and their stupid sequels. He bet the sequel was just as stupid as the first, if not more so. He received a soft smack when he voiced this opinion, and decided to keep his wonderful knowledge to himself from now on. Sollux didn't appreciate it nearly enough for him to voice it again. He lifted his head to peek at the movie, hoping it was close to being finished. Sadly, it wasn't very far in. He frowned at the screen and hide his face again, only to peek back out minutes later. If he was going to be stuck here with Sollux ignoring him for an entire movie, he figured he might as well try to watch it. He was pretty tired of being bored, after all.
     Of course, he wasn't supposed to actually like the movie. He was supposed to scoff at how utterly stupid it was. Except that it wasn't stupid, but rather griping and filled with exciting action and relatable characters and Eridan hated that he in fact loved the movie. It was supposed to be a dumb movie. He tried to stop watching and distract himself by fiddling with his clothes, or counting the dots on the ceiling, but the more he tried to ignore it the more he was pulled into the intense story of the movie. Soon enough, he forgot about how he wasn't supposed to like it, and how Sollux had ignored him. His surroundings were insignificant now, all that mattered was this ridiculous movie.
     All too soon, it ended. Eridan found that he was smiling in spite of himself, in a much better mood than before the film. He looked down to his boyfriend, planning to ask if there was another movie they could watch, but found the Gemini asleep on his chest, glasses askew. For a few moments, he simply grinned fondly down at the thin man laying on him. The dork had actually fallen asleep, probably while explosions were sounding and loud cursing was pouring through the speakers of the tv. He turned off the television and carefully slipped Solluxs glasses off of his face and set them aside where they would be safe from damage, then did the same with his own.
     As he settled down with his resting partner, he couldn't help but feel like this was much better than what he had planned for the evening. When he thought about it, he realized that his annoyance before blinded him from the quality of what had been happening. He smiled softly and kissed his sleeping boyfriends hair. Right now, he didn't want anything more than to sleep on the sofa with Sollux. He sighed and shifted to get more comfortable as he let his eyes drift close. Yes, this was far better than his day dream from before. He wrapped his arms around Sollux, and slowly drifted to sleep.

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