Life Is Strange

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     Eridans life had always been predictable, which he appreciated. Surprises gave him an unpleasant feeling of dread that he could never really explain perfectly. He couldn't play games with too many jump scares, and surprise parties were definitely not enjoyable. Of course, he adored getting gifts and the suspense of a good movie, but the feeling of anxiety clawed at his mind when people would jump out at him was something he tended to avoid. He liked knowing things. It made him nervous when there was a possibility of a major change in a situation, so he based his life around knowledge. He had his life all planned out, with no surprises whatsoever, and he liked it that way. He knew what he was going to do, who he would talk to, and where he would go every single day. Life was completely normal and predictable, and Eridan was happy.
     Until one day, a person he didn't know spoke to him. Everything about the man was odd and a bit strange in a charming sort of way. Everything about him was unpredictable. Eridan loathed him for it. He didn't even know the strangers name, but he hadn't planned to talk to him. This man had thrown off his entire schedule, and completely ruined his day just by asking one simple question.
     "Hey, do you know where the bookth on coding are? My friend needth one." He had a lisp. His right and left eye were blue and brown respectively. His hair was an untamed mess. His glasses were tinted. He wore two different shoes. Nothing about that was normal and Eridan hated it. Silently, he pointed the tall man in the direction of what he had asked for. Once the stranger was out of sight, Eridan put the book he was holding back on the shelf and took a deep breath, then counted backwards from ten. Once he was done, he sighed heavily. His entire day was ruined. But... not quite horrible, he supposed. After all, Fef was waiting for him back at their apartment. Quickly, he checked if he had anything important scheduled for the day, then left the library and began the short walk back home.
     Exactly six minutes and thirty-seven seconds later, he got out his key and unlocked his apartment door.
     "Hey Fef, I'm home!" As he made his way to their shared bedroom, he could hear her moving about. The sound brought a smile to his lips. She was home and he knew, even if she never replied. And he knew what to expect when he opened the door at the top of the stairs. His pace picked up and he reached the room quicker. His ringed fingers wrapped around the smooth handle and he pushed open the door to fall into the embrace of his lover.
However, that didn't happen. He wished it had, he wished he had simply been able to gather her in his arms and hold her close to lament about his ruined day. Unfortunately, he found her with her arms around a skinny man, her lips pressed against his. When he opened that door, his entire world seemed to collapse around him. At once, she leapt away from the man he now recognized. Oh. Not only had he ruined his day, but now his entire life. He didn't give Feferi a chance to explain, but simply walked away. He thought the spontaneous stranger talking to him was bad enough but this, this he couldn't handle. This would kill him. He counted backwards from ten, and it didn't help. He felt like screaming, like punching a wall, like crying. Instead, he walked to their hall closet, and grabbed a suitcase. Then walked back to the bedroom. Then began packing, ignoring her desperate attempts to explain herself. But then four words, mangled by a lisp, caused him to stop.
     "FF, who ITH he?" Slowly, Eridan turned around, first looking at the heterochromatic man, then at the woman who had just broken his heart.
     "So I'm assumin' he didn't fuckin' knoww either." After he spoke, realization filled the eyes of the confused man, then anger.
     "Feferi, ekthplain. Now." The dual-colored glare that was directed at the sea loving girl was cold and harsh, and Eridan found himself grateful that he was not the target of such an intense gaze. She shook under the stare of the man, and lowered her eyes to the floor.
     "I just- I'm sorry, okay? I wanted more and I..." she trailed off, unable to justify herself. Eridan could've laughed at her feeble attempt, and begin shoving his things into the suitcase.
     "So, it's Sollux, right? Howw long havve you been wwith her?" He didn't look up as he spoke.
     "Eridan, please, let me-" He cut her off, raising his eyes to meet hers.
     "No. I trusted you, and you did this. And from what I've gathered, Sollux here didn't either. So no. I'm not feelin' like lettin' you do anythin'. Get out, okay?" He sighed and looked back down, but didn't begin packing his clothing until he heard her footsteps recede down into the kitchen. Once she was gone, the tension in the air dissolved into an awkward silence. Finally, when he stood to get a second bag for his things, he received an answer to his question.
     "Two yearth. Today wath our anniverthary. What about you?" He looked up at the man, feeling the threads of panic weaving their way slowly into his head. His mouth opened, but no sound came out and he could feel his hands begin to shake. He hated surprises. Why did this have to happen to him? The absolute worst surprise, and it happened to him. Sollux spoke again, and his mouth shut with a painful snap. "Are... you okay?" He met the blue and brown eyes, and an odd feeling of relief swept through him, pushing the panic away.
     "Yeah, I.. I'm okay. Just kind of... surprised." A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and he received a grin in return.
     "So, what'th your name? I'm gonna gueth Eridan?" The more he listened to Sollux speak, the more he found the lisp comforting rather than upsetting. In fact, he felt as if he had been wrong to think the surprising things about Sollux were bad. Right now, he found them calming. His smile grew.
     "Yeah. I'm Eridan."

     "I do." Eridan was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Solluxs voice. The priest was looking at him expectantly, as if he expected Eridan to say something. He blinked once. He must have zoned out a bit, but that didn't matter. All that mattered right now was standing next to him, waiting for him to speak. He smiled.
     "I do." The priest began to speak again, but he didn't pay attention. Instead, he turned to his partner and was swept up into a kiss that he happily returned. On this day, seven years ago, he had found out that his girlfriend of one year was cheating on him with another man. On this day, three years ago, that same man asked to be his husband. Eridan smiled against Solluxs chapped lips. He had never thought this would happen in a million years. Life sure was strange.

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