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WARNING!!! This one shot talks about suicide and some very slight gore, but if you don't want to read that then please just don't read this.


     The sound of dry leaves crunching underneath battered purple tennis shoes filled the air, the only noise apart from Eridans steady breathing. He walked quickly, not wanting to be stuck in these woods when the sun set. It was far too dangerous to be outside at night, a lesson he had learned the hard way. But now wasn't the time to dwell on past mistakes. He picked up his pace, shoving his hands into the pockets of his worn out hoodie.
     As he walked, he kept an eye out for any shelter he could use. Despite walking since dawn, he hadn't found anything yet, and worry was starting to claw at his mind. What if he didn't find anything? What if he ended up like...? He shook his head, trying to get rid of the depressing thoughts. He knew he would be okay. He was just paranoid, that's all. The more he tried to reassure himself, the more paranoid he became. Soon enough, he found himself running, panic setting in. His bag hit his back repeatedly as he ran, and he knew that it would bruise but he was too caught up in running, running from everything that he couldn't care less, he just had to run, because he could swear there were footsteps following him and he could practically feel the hot breath of some beast on his neck and he had to escape and-
     His foot was caught on an exposed root and he was sent flying face first into the mud. His bag landed in front of him, contents scattered out across the ground. For a few moments, he contemplated not moving. Simply lying in the mud until something or someone found him and killed him. He allowed himself a few moments to wish for an end before he got up, groaning at the new pain in his ribs. Slowly, he got to his feet and began to gather his things. He picked up the dwindling supply of cans of beans and various soups, then the box of bullets for the rifle that he had lost months ago and the pistol they wouldn't fit into, next the various broken electronics Sollux had insisted they keep. He was convinced that they could fix them. Eridan smiled sadly as he put the phones and wires back into his bag. He missed Sollux. But something was missing. It only took him a few seconds to find them and carefully pick them up. He sunk to the ground as he wiped mud off of the cracked lenses.
     Once, he had asked Sollux why he wore sunglasses. The reply he received told him to do some rather lewd things with a cactus. Eventually though, he had found out. They hid the eyes that his boyfriend had hated so much. Eridan loved his eyes. He still did. He could remember how the life drained out of the brown and blue irises as the monsters that come out at night tore into pale flesh. At first, it had been hard to kill them. Every face he shot down had a family once. Every face had a chance at living. Scientists had said that the parasite didn't kill its victims, but instead used them to spread itself. When Cronus had attacked him, he believed that everyone the parasite took from them could be saved. But Sollux knew better. He was the one who saved Eridan from his brother. He was the one who taught Eridan not to think of them as people, but monsters. Monsters that could only find you at night.
Of course, that wasn't true. Eridan knew that the day was no safer than the night. But he could see them in the day. He could avoid them, and tell himself that they were just hikers in the woods. That they were just like him. It offered him some comfort. At night, he knew to hide away until morning. He couldn't see at night, it made him vulnerable. Sollux had also taught him that. Sollux had been the one who wasn't willing to travel at night. He had known the risks. But he had gone with Eridan anyways. Eridan still had no idea why. Sollux could've lived, and come after him in the morning. If Eridan had even been there in the morning.
     He doubted that he would've been. Usually, the monsters didn't kill. He wasn't sure what was wrong with the group they had run into. They seemed to be normal, just mindless creatures, but once they had noticed the pair trying to sneak past, they became vicious. The scream Sollux had let out when they jumped on him was fresh in Eridans mind. It should've been him, and he knew it. Sollux had been smart, he had wanted to stay behind. Eridan got him killed.
     He sighed and put the broken shades back into his bag. The sun sank lower in the sky, but he didn't move from where he was sitting. Instead, he leaned against the tree behind him and took Solluxs pistol out of the bag again. He sat quietly with it in his lap, and reflected on the events the brought him to this point. There were no tears. He didn't cry anymore. He just sat, with his finger on the trigger of the gun. He knew that he wouldn't survive long. He had known for months. Every gas station he came across was empty, every town he saw was filled with too many of the monsters to risk entering, and his supplies were running low. He had one bullet left, then he wouldn't be able to defend himself. The bullets in his bag were useless, and he hadn't been able to find any that fit the pistol. But he was glad he didn't. He only used the gun in desperate situations, when he couldn't run. He had made sure that he never used more than one bullet at once. Slowly, very slowly, the number of bullets decreased. And now, he was left with one.
     One bullet and nothing else. He looked up from the gun and into the sky. The sun was touching the horizon. It would be night soon. He was miles away from any shelter, but he didn't really mind. He looked back down and smiled at the reflection of his face in the gun. He had made sure to keep it clean. Sollux hated it if it was dirty. So he had kept it clean. But now, he didn't have to. He was going to see his boyfriend again, and where they were going had no use for guns. Of course, he wasn't sure where they were going. He hoped it was somewhere nice. But as long as they were together, Eridan would be satisfied.

     With a smile on his face, he raised the gun to his temple. Together. He rather liked that idea. Eridans eyes shut, and he pulled the trigger.

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