Oh, Such Sweet Memories

587 36 18

I live to see you suffer



"You knoww, it's kinda crazy. It's been thirty wwhole years since wwe wwere married." A tired smile pulled at his lips, and he brushed his fine silver hair back out of his face.

"Back then I still looked good, heh. Noww I look like my dad. Except for the scars." He closed his eyes and heaved a sigh.

"I don't havve nearly as much energy these days, Sollux. It's getting harder and harder to do things... it's pretty awwful." A somber silence descended and he sat quietly, evaluating his words.

"Thirty years... still can't really get my head around it. Seems like only yesterday you wwere spilling coffee all over me in that little Starbucks dowwn the street from your brother's old house." He chuckled.

"I checked in on Mituna, by the way. He's off his rocker, and it's only gotten wworse but... he recognized me this time. And the nurses at the home are taking great care of him, so you don't need to wworry." Another smile graced his tired face. It was nice to talk like this.

"I bought flowwers yesterday, and put 'em on Cro's gravve just to spite the old fucker. He nevver did like tulips." A breathy chuckle slipped out of his lips, and he clutched the bouquet in his hands tighter.

"He nevver really appreciated flowwers like you did. Thought they wwere pointless, that ass."

"He nevver got that they made people smile, and that wwas good enough." With a sigh, he set the roses down in front of him and dug through his bag, pulling out a bottle of wine and a glass.

"Sometimes I wwish Cro wwas still here... i'd havve still out livved him, but it wwoulda been nice to wwatch him get old too." Another sigh escaped him. "27 just ain't old enough to go. But anywways, I shouldn't be bringing dowwn the mood like this. Not today." He uncapped the bottle and filled his glass.

"Today is special. Do you remember wwhy?" He laughed humorlessly, and traced the name carved into the cold tombstone with shaking fingers. Then he took a sip of the wine.

"Happy annivversary, Sollux. I sure do miss you."

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