I Think I Might Love You, My Deer

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Sollux was conflicted. His daddy liked girls, and his brother liked girls, so why did he like a boy? He frowned and scribbled out a word on the colored paper in front of him, gnawing on his lip. He supposed it didn't matter if he liked boys or girls anyways, because before 'Tuna had met 'Tula Sollux had seen him kissing that tall boy with the slicked back hair, so that meant he liked boys too, even if it was just a little.

And daddy wrote him and 'Tuna notes about how much he loves them and puts them in their lunch boxes, so that's gotta be the way to show someone you like them. Write them a note! Which is exactly what Sollux was doing. A grin spread across his face as he worked, hunched over the little paper on his desk.

Three million days, later, he finally got it perfect. There was no way he'd get rejected with this note. He'd even spelled both names right! That was an achievement.

Deer Eridan,
I know that we're both boys but I realy like you a lot, so I was wundering if we could be boyfriends? Cause we could hold hands and things and I'd like that.
Love Sollux

He proudly admired his work. It had taken him three tries to spell 'boyfriend' right, and even longer to make sure his handwriting wasn't it's usual scribbly mess. He couldn't go wrong with this note. It was perfect. He put the note in his backpack and ran to get ready for bed. It was still early, but he couldn't wait to wake up and go to school tomorrow.

However, when he got to school the next morning, there was a piece of paper on his desk and Eridan was no where in sight. Sollux frowned. Surely he didn't stay home? Not on the day he was supposed to receive Sollux's beautifully crafted note! With a sigh, he sat down and looked at the paper on his desk. His good mood was gone, just like Eridan.

He felt his cheeks heat up as he read.

Dear Sollux,
I really like you and I wanna hold your hand sometime. Papa says I'm allowed to kiss your cheek to, if you want.
(P.S. my papa helped me write this letter, and I made sure he drew little bees in the corner like you like)

The paper wrinkled and folded in his iron grip, and he looked around, hoping the other boy would be there. After a few moments of panic, Eridan walked through the door and Sollux heaved a sigh of relief. He must have just been going to the bathroom!

He stood and grabbed his note out of his bag, eager to share it with his classmate and he noticed with dismay that it didn't look nearly as good as Eridan's note. Suddenly, he felt sick to his stomach. What if Eridan saw his ugly note and decided he didn't like him anymore?

But as he watched the boy head to a desk on the opposite side of the room, he frowned. He had no choice. It was now or never. With short, determined strides, he made his way over to the desk Eridan had chosen and shoved his note into the boys hands and looked down. He was blushing so hard, he probably looked just like a big dumb tomato.

A few moments of silence passed as Eridan struggled to read Solluxs sloppy handwriting, and when Sollux decided to finally look back up, he saw Eridan looking right back at him, cheeks a rosey red. Sollux's mouth moved before he could stop it.

"Wanna thit by me at lunch?" He mentally kicked himself in the shins when his lisp messed him up, but Eridan didn't seem to mind how he stumbled over his words and smiled anyways.

"Yeah... I havve a cookie wwe can share." Sollux smiled shyly at the sitting boy, hugging the note he had been given close to his chest. Eridan smiled back, and as Sollux went back to sit at his desk, he felt like the happiest little boy in the world.

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