Honey I Need A Sick Day

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     Sollux paused his coding and looked up when he heard a loud, wet sounding cough echo through the apartment he shared with his boyfriend. Then it was silent once again. He shrugged and turned his attention back to his laptop. A few minutes later, he heard it again. This time, the cough was accompanied by a loud sneeze and plenty of colorful curse words. Sighing, he stood and walked out of the dimly lit room he was in.
     "Eridan?" He called out into hallway outside of the bedroom. A whimper is all he got in response and he rolled his eyes, heading into the cozy living room. Everything seemed to be tidy and in place, except for the excessive amount of used tissues that were piled high on the coffee table. He made a face and gathered them up, then tossed them into the trash can as he made his way into the kitchen.
     The shorter man was dressed in his clothes for work and was trying to make what appeared to be bacon and eggs. It didn't seem to be going well. As Sollux watched, he tucked his nose into his elbow and sneezed three times, shuddering. His face was flushed red and beads of sweat gathered on his forehead as he cursed and went back to cooking, hands shaking. Sollux quirked an eyebrow, deciding to watch for a few minutes. When Eridan started coughing and didn't seem to stop, he turned the heat off on the stove and led his obviously sick boyfriend to the couch. There was much protesting when he tried to get Eridan to lay down.
     "Sol, I'm gonna be late to wwork!" His voice was hoarse from coughing and swearing, and Sollux narrowed his eyes skeptically.
     "There ith no fucking way you're going to work. You look like hell." Eridan glared up at his boyfriend, but the effect was ruined when he had to wipe snot off of his face with a tissue he had produced from his pocket. Sollux held his ground.
     "I do not! I look-" Before he could finish, he interrupted himself with another sneeze. "I look great, so fuck you! I gotta go in, I'm really close to getting a promotion!" Sollux snorted in disbelief and sat Eridan down on the couch.
     "A promotion ith not worth you giving everyone you work with whatever bug you have. Thit." He pushed Eridan down until he was sat on the couch, ignoring the glare aimed at him. Once he had the small man sitting, he searched through his pockets and received an annoyed squawk in return. He batted away Eridans hands as they tried to push him away, then stood up straight once more when he found the phone.
     He unlocked it quickly and searched through his contacts while Eridan protested weakly through a coughing fit. He found the correct number and called it, bringing the phone to his ear as it began to ring. On the third ring, there was an answer.
     "Yeah, hello. I'm calling for my idiot boyfriend, Eridan. He'th thick and won't be coming in." He listened to the man on the other end of the phone yell for a few moments before he sighed. "Look. He ithn't coming in. He'th thtaying home and getting better, then he'll come in." For good measure, he held the phone out so Eridans coughing could be heard, then he returned it to his ear. "Thee? Thick. Goodbye." Before he could get a reply, he hung up.
     "You're gonna get me fuckin' fired you idiot." Eridan glared up at him as he spoke.
     "Your both ith an athhole." He heaved the snotty chipset to his feet and led him to the bedroom with a hand on his lower back.
     "That doesn't matter! I don't wwant to lose my job!" Stubbornly, Eridan pushed Solluxs hands away to stand on his own. He made it about three steps before he swayed and tilted, then he submitted to his fate and let himself be held up by the scrawnier man.
     "Oh well. I'm thtill not letting you go in." Sollux led his grumpy boyfriend to the bed and quickly stripped him down to his boxers. "Lay down." His order was obeyed with much grumbling, which made him roll his eyes. Once he had Eridan situated in the bed, he paused. He knew that the sick man would probably need some medicine to recover, but he couldn't think of a single medicine he knew of that would help. He couldn't really think of any medicine at all, to be perfectly honest. When it came to health, he was completely lost.
     "You knoww, I'm just gonna get you sick." He frowned, as if Eridans words offended him.
     "I will not. I have the immune thythtem of a god." He turned and marched out of the room, acting as if he knew why he was leaving the room exactly, then googled cures for a cold. He was the best nurse. He knew exactly how to do all of these things. Yeah.
     Two bowls of chicken noodle soup and a cup of hot tea later, Eridan was asleep. His fever had gone down and he looked less gross, so Sollux felt like he had done a successful job. He wiped his nose and sighed, then went to grab his laptop so he could keep an eye on his patient while he coded. It didn't take long to find it in their small apartment, and he settled into the bed by Eridan and began to type.

     "I told you that you would get sick." Eridan held up a spoonful of a sickly red colored medicine.
     "Shut up." Sollux glared at the spoon and sunk deeper into his blankets with a sneeze. "I'm not thick."
     "Yes you are. Noww take the medicine."
     "No. It tathteth like puke."
     "You need to take it. It'll help you feel better." Eridan scowled at Sollux. His patience with his boyfriend was wearing very thin.
     "I'm not thick. I don't need it!"
     "Sollux, take the medicine!"
     "Yes!" As soon as Sollux opened his mouth to retort, Eridan shoved the spoon into his mouth. After a small struggle that nearly ended with a spoon in someone's rib cage, he swallowed the medicine. Then he hid inside his nest of blankets, cursing Eridan and everything he stood for. Eridan sighed. This was going to be difficult.

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