Gay Baby Jail

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I'm pulling these stories out of my ass tbh

But hey have something platonic for once
Eridan stood in front of Sollux, arms crossed, looking very unamused. Sollux just managed to grin sheepishly, thing fingers wrapping around the bars between them.

"Hi, unca Eri."

"Hi Sollux. Wwhy did your teacher call me to come get you?" He watch the preschooler fidget until he answered.

"Cauthe the hateth me."

"And wwhy does she hate you, honeybee?" Eridan tapped his foot impatiently.

"Cauthe the'th an evil witch!" The boy giggled. "And I threw thithorth at Kakat." Eridan raised an eyebrow and glanced over at the boys friend. Sure enough, Karkat was sobbing and being consoled by Ms. Feferi. With a put upon sigh, he scooped down and picked Sollux up and carried him to the desk to sign him out.

"Can we get ithecream on the way home?"

"No." Once he had finished filling out the forms, he carried his nephew outside and to his small car.

"Why not?"

"Cause I'm an evil wwitch too." Sollux huffed angrily and crossed his arms.

"Knew it."

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