Chapter 5

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Elena arrived back at the dorms, ecstatic. Tomorrow would be her first art club meeting.

"You sure are happy about art club," Molly laughed, closing the door behind them.

"Of course," Elena replied happily. She sat in her desk chair. "Making art is my favorite hobby."

"Let's just hope the Delinquents don't have a thing for art either," Molly chuckled.

Elena's face fell and she held her breath.

Molly's eyes widened when she saw Elena's expression. "Don't freak out on me now. Delinquents don't typically sign up for after school activities, so you're good."

Elena sighed in relief. "Oh, okay. My happiness can resume!"

Elena then pulled out her phone. "I'd better call my parents," she mumbled.

A ringtone went off from Molly's phone. She pulled it out and read the screen. "Dillon wants to know if we want to go with him for pizza. Wanna come?"

Elena shook her head, dialing her parents phone number. "I'm good. I have homework to do anyway."

"The place has the best pizza in townnnn," Molly cooed, waving her phone in the air.

Elena laughed. "No, seriously. You two have fun."

"Fine, but you'll regret it," Molly replied with a shrug. She grabbed her coat and slipped it on. With a quick wave, she exited the dorm room.

Elena clicked the call button on her phone and waited for her parents to pick up.

. . .

. . .

"Hello?" her mother answered.

"Hey, mom," Elena greeted, sitting back in her desk chair.

"Hi honey! How is it so far?" her mother asked.

"Still good," Elena laughed numbly, then swirled around in her chair. She frowned slightly. She didn't want to bother her mom with the information concerning her and the Delinquents.

"Are you sure? You don't sound so good. Tell me what's up," her mom replied. She let out a loud yawn.

"You need rest," Elena replied quickly. "It's midnight where you are, and I don't wanna keep you long. Tell dad I love him. Bye!"

Elena ended the call and then set her phone down with a sigh. She glanced at the paperwork scattered on her desk. "I need to get cracking on this homework," she decided.


Elena set her pencil down and then massaged her aching hand. She checked the clock. It had been an hour since she started the homework. Where was Molly?

Elena packed up her things and then clenched her empty stomach. It growled in hunger. Food was all she could think about.

Before contemplating on whether or not she should go downstairs, she finally decided to suck it up and head to the lunch hall.

She quietly walked down the hall and down the stairs before realizing that all of the dorm students were probably wide awake. After all, they were teenagers.

Elena peeked around the corner into the lunch hall and saw that it stood empty. She spotted a vending machine in the corner, and a lovely looking bag of Cheetos caught her gaze. She licked her lips and began walking in.

Simply Bad (a Thomas Sangster fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now