Class Assignment (Phan) Pt.1

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                                                                             *Dan's POV*

 I watched him from across the room as I grabbed my sketch book, ready to draw. Mrs. Monroe wanted us to draw a portrait of another student of our choice. Obviously I was going to draw Phil, I mean, he is like the most attractive person in the room and by far the hardest to draw. Which is exactly why I want to draw him. I was planning on drawing him at some point whether it was in class or at home but I guess this is better. I was pulled out of my thought by a finger poking my cheek. As I looked up I began to blush, seeing the devil himself staring down at me. He had a small smile and his blue eyes were sparkling, making me short of breath. "Uh- Hi..Can I talk to you?" He said me, seeming nervous. I nod my head, quickly looking down when I realized I've been staring. "Good," He said, biting his pink, plump bottom lip. "Well Dan... I was wondering if-if I could maybe d-draw you? Only of you want me too..." I giggled at his stuttering and looked back up at him. "Yes Phil, I would love for you to draw me..." I spoke as clear as possible, doing my best not to stutter. He smiled at me and sat down across from me. "Is it okay if I start now? Class has been extended by another hour and I'd like to spend the first hour to do my sketching... And the last hour can be for whoever you want to draw." I bit my lip, focusing on his words and the way he pronounces each and every syllable. I guess it's time to ask... "Well, I actually had a question for you,Phil... Could I draw you too? I think you'd be a bit harder to draw and I like challenges... So, can I?" Phil sat there for awhile, staring at me. He leaned in, over the table before speaking quietly. "Are you sure you're up for the challenge of drawing the complicating creature known as Philip Lester?" I bit my lip and giggled quietly. "I like challenges..." Phil smiled and nodded, opening his sketch book. "You know Dan, I was thinking about what colors to draw you in and I just can't figure it out.... Wait!" He smiled brightly, much unlike the colors he was probably going to say. "Black, white and grey! I think you would look amazing like that! Ohh, except your eyes....I think they would be beautiful in a color pop..." Phil blushed as he finished talking when he realized what he said. "Phil," I said, my voice soft and quiet, "I think that sounds like an amazing idea... But.." I paused. "But what?!" He said, eyes wide. "But I want to draw you like that too..." I finally said, chewing on my lip, a habit I seemed to have picked up at some point. "Oh," he said, giving me a small smile. "Okay. But I have another thing... I remember that when we were little you didn't have a flat iron..." I gasped, my eyes widening. "No! There's no way! No. Flipping. Way!" He grabbed my arm, shaking it around. "Please Danny! PLEASE!?" I groaned and laid my head on the desk. I knew he would win, I can't resist him.

                                                                                  *That Friday*

We were sitting in my room, on the floor going through the art supplies we have. My hair was damp from my shower seeing as he demanded that my hair be curly. "I don't see why you wanted my hair like this, it looks weird." Phil smiled and poked my cheek. "Dan, just like I told you when we were little, it's cute. Don't be such a worrisome twat!" I blushed slightly, looking down. "Shut up you filthy peasant!" I said playfully, smacking his head. I've been smiling more with him than I have any other time. I looked up at him, my eyes squinted ever so slightly and my chin resting on my hand. "Freeze!" Phil said, his eyes wide. "Don't you dare move!" He grabbed his new sketchbook, opening it to the first page and grabbing his sketching pencil. I blushed and obliged, staying where I was.

Phil stared at me before beginning to draw, focusing on every little detail. After about 2 hours he was finished with his sketch and was finally ready to begin coloring. He took this time to let me rest. "Ugh, finally... My arm was falling asleep." I said, laying down on my stomach. Phil giggled and shook his head. "Aww, poor Danny." A small giggle escaped my lips as I looked up at him. "Can I see how it looks?" He shook his head and pulled out the items he needs to color the picture. "Not until it's finished you doof. I want to make sure it's perfect..."

After awhile I gave up on the begging and laid there, watching him work. I've always loved the way he concentrates on his work. He was always so focused, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth. He looks innocent, so cute.

While he was coloring I instantly knew what I wanted to do. I grabbed my sketchbook and began drawing him, noticing him look up at me, I quickly drew what I saw and then looked away. "S-Sorry... I couldn't help myself..." He just laughed and shook his head, continuing his work. I finished my sketch and pulled out my supplies. It took me 4 hours to finish mine while it only took Phil 2 for his.

By the time we were both finished it was 9 o'clock, which was fine seeing as he was spending the night. "Phil? Can I see it now?" I asked, chewing on my lip once again. Phil shook his head as he began cleaning. "You can see it in class on Monday,Dan."-- Mrs.Turnerbuscus

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