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The pain in her shoulder just got bigger. Just like the fear of finding out what this was. Everything seemed to end here and she was sure in maximum of three days she would lay down in a chest and never live again. It got colder while she waited for death to show up, because that was what she thought it was. Her freezing skin was white and started to fall off. It changed into snow and melted when it reached the ground. Her eyes started to see everything in a blue nuance and she saw "it". It came closer and, just as before, with its scary look, never stopped. Her eyes closed and all she saw was black. Not the usual black but a scary and really dark one that had a depth that never seemed to end. She felt sick.

An eye. A very uncomfortable eye. Looking, staring straight at her. Looking around. Coming back. She was confused, scared, staring, wondering and tired. Everything at the same time. Everything at the same time as she stopped sitting down and the eye changed into a whole face, a body. She was lifted up by the hole which was connected to the snake arm. It slipped into the hole and with the most horrible noise it took a tight grip.
"Welcome! You earth person" the creature screamed in her ear so she literally jumped back. It stared at her with its creepy eyes.
"Where am I?" She screamed. "And let me down!" The creature let her fall to the ground and she hit it hard. "Auch! What was that for?" She got really pissed of and then she had the biggest self confidence.
"You are in another universe." You have left Earth and come to the planet Salisca in a whole another place. Most people don't even know we exist." He spat in her face. "You're a lucky one." She raised up and her face got red.
"I want my home!" She screamed angrily.
"I'm afraid that's not an option." The monster said calm. "And Civly here will give you a guide tour." An another monster showed up.
"Follow me." It said. Loah followed.
"This is our workers." A thousand of people walked past them in old clothes and they were really dirty. Every wall was white but after that the crowd had was gone it was all in a brown shade. A machine appeared and cleaned the mess up in a second. The tunnel never seemed to end.
"Now you'll see a park." She said and pointed at her right hand side. A door opened and outside there was something that looked like grass but in a whole different colour. There were no ceiling, instead there were thousands of stars and planets. Everything seemed to be so close to them.
"It's just an illusion." Civly said. Wasn't it real? Loah was not only confused but also claustrophobic and got depressed by not being able to feel free.
"But don't worry, if you'd like to, we can visit the children of ours. They might have lessons right now but they'll get excited of you." Loah just stared, she felt hypnotised by the creature. Slowly she started to walk but everything happened too fast. She fell down and hit the floor so hard. She lost her breath and everything got black. But this time it wasn't her, she was still awake.

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