7 Friendship

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Grey. Black. Yellow. Black. White. Black.

Loah opened her eyes, fell asleep again and woke up a million times on the flight. It was worse that a normal air plane, it was shaky and went far more quickly than those too.

She felt sick and her stomach screamed for food, as she hadn't gotten it for days. Which was almost true. Her muscles weakened but she didn't bother. The only thing Loah needed right now was sleep. But that was impossible so she decided to go up and get used to the new environment. It was tiny and no waste of space. Everything was organised so that everyone had a sleep spot, and one square metre outside the bed. Even though Loah had never felt claustrophobic, her mind got impulses all them time as she experienced the new areas. After that she'd been walking around between that fat and thin monsters, or what else to call them, her pulse raised as her hope was pressed out and she had her first break down. Loah laid on the floor and cried quietly. Nobody heard her anyways but if, it could get way too embarrassing so she didn't make more noise than she's done for the whole trip. She's gone through the whole room and found a empty bed to sleep in so she moved from the dusty floor to the little more luxurious one.

It had gone very noisy at this point, when everyone had gotten enough sleep to wake up. Almost at the same time. It was still dark but that depended on something else that the normal. Basically there was no sun anymore. Loah still slept. But as everyone were up and fixing the space, someone had to wake her up. A chatter about that started and suddenly a tiny one raised the snake-arm in the middle of the circle.
"I can do it." It seemed to be one of the gone up monster's children. "I'm the one who's the bravest here, I'll do it" it's voice sounded more self confident than it probably were. The child slowly walked over to Loah. "Hello?" It whispered. But Loah wasn't sleeping anymore and quickly opened her eyes. Those who watched this miraculous thing, jumped back a bit and held their breaths. The child screamed of fear and ran away. But Loah got pretty scared to when she realised all the attention she'd gotten.

"Hi?" Loah had gone after the child that now hid behind one of the beds. She bent forward and with a cute smile she watched the moves it did. "I'm not more dangerous than you, you brave." She said and laughed quietly. She guessed it was some kind of a boy.
"Hi." He said and raised from the hiding spot. "What are you for such thing?" It was clear that she wasn't the only one curious and unknowing.
"I'm a human from the earth." She said calmly. "And what are you?" He was confused about the question, obviously not thinking from her perspective.
"I'm me, like, from my planet." He said.
"Yeah, I get that part but what do you call yourself?" Loah continued.
"Erm... My friends use to call me Moran." Loah laughed hilariously much. It was clear that their people's first language was not English. "Was that funny?" Moran asked.
"No. Well, yes. I've never heard someone named Moran. It almost sounds like moron." Loah answered.
"Forget it." They stayed quiet. It got more and more awkward so they started to walk somewhere else. Together.

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