10 Election

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None of them had ever been this hungry. None of them knew hunger was even a fact for others. They had no idea what it was. Until the food was gone and nobody knew what they could eat on the new planet. It had gone three days since the rocket crashed and they hadn't got any contact with the rest of the world. Their radio still worked but they couldn't get the right signal. Lucky they were, they knew how to heal people so no one had died by damage. Their new problem was to deal with the starving people of theirs. It wasn't until Loah told everyone, they knew why they felt the pain. The tiny kids were the ones who hit the most. They had no body fat and no muscles. As Loah tried to keep them happy and not thinking about it, her eyes glared at the sad faces for seconds, innocently looking somewhere else. She wasn't happy eather, but she was more prepared for being hungry than they were so she knew how to handle it, as long as the hope stayed inside her. The sound that all the stomachs made was terrible, not just as humans sounded but ten times louder. Loah couldn't help but whimper.

"Somebody help!" An adult dressed like a nurse, close enough with the white shirt, raised her arms and waved them around. Someone little laid on her right handed side and you could tell she was concerned. The kid was slim as a stick. These people would starve quicker than Loah, and anyone else would have guessed.
"What has happened?" Another adult asked while a tear fell through his eye and he watched the tiny body in the ground.
"I think our cutie don't have enough energy." The nurse-alike one said. Her hands leaned on the child's cheeks. "It's over, she isn't alive anymore."
Someone took a step up from the crowd.
"This is our first lost! But it can't continue like this and from now on, we need to work together." After the voice stopped talking, a quiet chatter started. Could they organise a new civilisation or weren't they built for that? The worried crowd split up in two or three groups. As it seemed, they couldn't agree with everyone and created their own sides.
"Come here and I'll promise you I'll be a fantastic leader and lead you all to happiness!" A person who had climbed up on a rock shouted. Some people trusted the shouter and took that part. Another one did the same thing.
"You really believe Joolie? That betraying monster have been to prison a million times! Join me and I'll never let you guys down!" Some there who hadn't already joined Joolie went to the new speaking person, even some who already had connected to Joolie decided to change. They were now loyal to the new easer of their.
"What are you? Joolie and Crainin? You want to separate our people into different sides? If we want to survive we have to stick together! We'll vote. Everyone who want to be a leader write down your name and hand it over to me. 10% of those who want to, will be the new leaders, everyone else can vote on who they want to represent them." The same voice that urged them before did it again? And succeed. People created a line and write their names on tiny scraps. It was maybe fifty-hundred people.

Time to choose. The speaker, what everyone called the person who had come up with this idea, had counted all the votes and wrote it down on a post-it. Everyone wanted to see this and all the candidates were in the front line.
"So, I hope everyone is happy about this. Otherwise you'll have to deal with is until someone save us from this planet." The speaker started to talk. Everyone listened carefully. "The one with most votes is... Crainin." The crowd applauded as Crainin walked up on stage. Of course everyone wasn't happy, the grin on Crainin's face showed her real ego. "The second one is... Walie, third Nugla and the fourth Agoul." The crowd shouted and screamed of happiness as four people stood at the stage. "We have one more person who's lucky." The audience turned their heads all over to find someone who it could be. "The fifth and last new leader of ours is... Joolie!" No single one applauded when he walked up. Someone spat on him as his head turned down. "These people are now our leaders, for the moment and together they'll decide what to do. They're all democratically elected."

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