Chapter 7

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Francesca's POV;

I watched as Amy made herself at home kicking off her shoes, lying on my bed and turning on the television. She was round my house all the time lately, constantly wanting updates about the situation between Ed and I. " and Ed last night! Give me the gossip!" She went home last night shortly after the fight and then decided to return today. "He slept round...and I think you know what happened." I said raising my eyebrows. She screamed really loudly. "OMFG! MY BEST FRIEND SCREWED ED SHEERAN! I AM LAYING ON THE BED THAT MY BEST FRIEND AND ED SHEERAN FUCKED ON." I quickly grabbed a pillow and shoved it over her mouth, muting her. "Shutup! My parents are downstairs!" We both burst on the floor crying with laughter. It felt so good being around her, it was the only reminder of my normal life, the life before all this had happened. "What do you want to do?" I asked her after we had calmed down a bit, she shrugged her shoulders causing us to laugh again. "Fancy going to meet One Direction?" I asked laughing when her face immediately brightened up. She had a lot of celebrity crushes but none would trump Liam Payne. I rang Ed and asked him to arrange it.

Me and Amy got the train down to southend where we were meeting the gang. Apparently the boys jumped at the chance of meeting us, especially me Harry had said; they had apparently heard a lot about me which consumed me with fear. We walked down to the beach to see the six most gorgeous men in the world standing before us. I looked at them finding myself speechless... which definitely didn't happen often. They were like the popular group of boys in school; gorgeous, carefree and mischievous. Amy's face had turned as red as the sun as she was trying to prevent herself from 'fan-girling'. I whispered to her, "I fan-girled when i met Ed, it's not such a bad thing." I said and she nodded, still absolutely speechless. We both walked over to the angelic group and introduced ourselves.

Niall and Harry took their tops off and decided to go into the water for a swim whilst the rest of us were sitting on the beach having a picnic and getting to know each other. "Whose your favourite Fran?" Liam asked looking at me intently, I blushed and admitted "I have always had a huge crush on Zayn. There is something about the 'bad boy' image that really draws me in." Ed looked at me and suddenly looked really worried, he was far from the stereotypical bad boy. I kissed him on the lips and then looked into his eyes whispering "I love you Ed."

"I love you too Francesca." He said as he pulled me onto his lap. Liam turned to Amy and asked her the same question. "Urr...My favourite has kinda always been you Liam." She stuttered blushing bright red. He looked at her and then sighed, leaving all of us confused by his reaction. When the amazing day with the boys was over, Amy and I got the train back home. Amy had asked if she could stay round mine for a week or two because she was having issues at home, which of course I said yes too. My family welcomed her into our house like she was a relative anyway so all was good. We sat there on my laptop making stupid videos to put onto youtube when her phone buzzed.

Hey Amy, fancy going on a date sometime? x - Liam

She screamed and threw her phone on the floor leaving me sitting there completely bewildered. I quickly stole the phone and read the message and started dancing with her! This was amazing! My best friend was going on a date with Liam Payne and I was in a relationship with Ed Sheeran. I couldn't believe how strange my life had suddenly got. "We should make it a double date!" She giggled when we had finally calmed down. "I'm tired of making the journey though so get them to come to us. They can both stay the night, I'll ask Dad and Nikki." I said as i ran downstairs to ask. Anticipation consuming me as I prayed my parents said yes, I was old enough now to make my own decisions and they respected that, but I also respected that this was their house and didn't want to do anything without asking them first. 

"Dad, can Ed and Liam stay?" I asked as I threw myself onto the sofa beside him, looking at him with my best puppy dog eyes. "Liam who?"

"Payne, from One Direction." I said, hiding my excitement was impossible, I was desperate for this to happen. "Sure, when?" He asked rolling his eyes. I couldn't believe how understanding he was being about the whole situation. "Tomorrow night!" I said as I sprinted back upstairs after watching him nod and then turn back to the television. I told Amy the good news and watched her phone Liam elated. 

Tomorrow was going to be awesome.

We finished our phone calls and settled down again. We both got snuggled into my big double bed and started watching The Janoskians. We were in fits of laughter. The girls and I had recently started filming similar videos of our own, I edited some of our videos and then uploaded them to youtube. We stayed up all night long watching different youtube videos of people doing funny pranks on each other and stuff, laughing along to every possible moment and eventually falling asleep together listening to the sound of one direction singing in the background.  

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