Chapter 23

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Amy's POV;

"Liam, do you think she meant what I think she meant about that song?" I asked him thinking back to song Francesca wrote. Liam nodded and I sighed. Francesca seemed like quite a strong person and I honestly couldn't imagine her self harming. I went to secondary school with her and I have known her for ages and she has never came across as the type of person to self harm.

I got up and walked into Ed and her room to talk to her. "Fran you there?" I asked as I walked through the door. "Yeah." She said as she burst into tears and threw herself into my arms. I sighed and hugged her and then walked over to the bed with the her. She threw herself onto the bed in floods of tears. "Fran what happened?" I asked her and she told me everything.

The things she said disgusted me, I felt so sorry for her it was unreal. "Babe." Was all I could say, I didn't know what else I could say to her because of everything she had told me literally left me speechless. She cried and I started to cry with her. "Babe, are you alright?" I asked finally. She nodded as we both wiped our eyes and started laughing. "Trust us ey? One of us cries and the other one does too." Francesca said as she sat up.

"You have been through so much Fran, why didn't you tell anyone?"

"When you are that young it is hard to tell anyone what you are doing. You feel like it's just you doing something to yourself and you don't realise how many people it actually effects by what you are doing to yourself. You know?" She said and I nodded. I knew what she was talking about as I had struggled with my own problems in the past.

"Sing me another song you wrote?" I asked and she nodded. She got her notebook out and started singing.

Hold up... hold on... don't be scared,

You'll never change what's been and gone.

May your smile... Shine on...

Don't be scared,

Your destiny may keep you warm.

Cos all of the stars have faded away,

Just try not to worry,

You'll see them some day.

Take what you need,

And be on your way,

And stop crying your heart out.

Get up... Come on... why you scared?

You'll never change what's been and gone.

Cos all of the stars have faded away,

Just try not to worry,

You'll see them some day.

Take what you need,

And be on your way,

And stop crying your heart out.

I listened to the lyrics thoughtfully and sighed. She always told a story through her writing even when she was younger. She was one of the most amazing writers ever and I was so upset to see her like this. I thought about the lyrics and realised what she meant by them. You have to move on. You can't change what has happened in the past so you have to get over it and live the rest of your life.

The lyrics brought me straight back to her self harming. She was sending me a message through the songs she was singing me. She new how upset I was by her self harming and was now telling me how I had to move on and forget about it. I agreed with her in a way.

We went back to join the boys and talk about things. We watched some more films and had a little party. We started laughing and had a real good time. It was good to get away from everything for once in a while.

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