Chapter 21

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Francesca's POV;

I opened my eyes to see Amy sitting on the sofa across from me. I sat up and sent her daggers but she didn't see. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I screamed at her. Yeah my meeting with Avril went well but I still was quite angry that she didn't show up. "Sorry! I forgot you were my mum! Like seriously Francesca are you honestly not capable of living a day without me?" She screamed at me.

"OMG! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MEET UP WITH AVRIL TO DISCUSS MY RECORD DEAL. OBVIOUSLY YOU HAD OVER THINGS TO DO THAT WERE MORE IMPORTANT SO FUCK YOU AMY FUCK YOU!" I shouted back and got up and stormed into mine and Ed's room slamming the door a little to hard as I exited.

Amy's POV;

Oh my god. I completely forgot about Francesca's meeting. I was supposed to go for support because I was the only one she could trust with it and I had completely blew her trust. I stood there and collapsed onto the floor. I should've rang her back instead of going to Liam but I didn't and now I have completely mucked up. I walked over to her door and knocked on it. "Fran I'm sorry. I forgot." I said honestly. "I didn't look at my phone till after the time and well yeah." I said as I walked into her room.

She was laying on her bed writing something in a notebook and listening to her phone. I knew she hadn't heard what I had said so I sat down next to her and pulled out one of her earphones. She looked at me angrily. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at her. "You ready to hear me through?" I said and she shrugged looking at her computer screen.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have forgot I know. I know how important it was for me and I am sorry that you didn't do well because  I wasn't there. I am truly sorry but I will help you get another one. I am sorry I said what I said to you and I take it all back."

"I got an audition. It just pissed me off that I didn't even get a text Amy." She said her bright blue eyes piercing mine. "I know I am sorry. Liam and I were...urm... doing stuff." I chocked and she burst out laughing. "YOU FINALLY HAD SEX WITH HIM?" She asked and I nodded going bright red.

She made me fill her in on all the details and I done the same to her about the audition. We both sat there on her bed talking. I felt so bad that I forgot her meeting but at least she nailed it right? I couldn't wait for her audition. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked her. She took one more glance at her computer and sighed. I went over and grabbed it and logged onto twitter.

Everywhere on twitter were hate pages for her. No wonder why she had been so angry and sad. The tweets were horrible.

Who does the bun chick think she is! @francesca99xx #somuchhateforfrancesca

SHE NEEDS TO GET AWAY FROM MY ED! @francesca99xx #francescaneedstogodie

#francescaneedstogodie #francescaisawhore she is such a whore! Keep away from my Ed @francesca99xx

No way am I letting them get married! I WILL KILL HER BEFORE SHE GETS THE CHANCE! @francesca99xx

GO DIE! @francesca99xx

I sighed as I read through all the tweets. There was loads of things about her trending, the things trending were #francescaneedstogodie and #somuchhateforfrancesca and #francescaisawhore.

I sighed and hugged her tightly. "Don't listen to them!" I said and she broke down into tears on my shoulder. "Francesca, don't listen to them, they don't know anything. They don't know you so they can't judge you."

"IT'S TRENDING WORLDWIDE AMY! EVERY SINGLE PERSON WITH TWITTER WILL SEE IT!" She screamed at me as she got her laptop off my lap and started to rapidly read through the comments. There was a few nice ones but they were mostly hate. Some went on saying how Avril Lavigne was paid to put her on stage and how she can't sing and needs to get a life. I nearly cried myself as I read them. 

I got up and walked out of the room grabbing my own laptop. I looked for flight tickets to where Ed was and bought the earliest ones. "Fran pack your bags. We are going away tomorrow." I said as I walked back into her room and logged off twitter so she couldn't see the tweets anymore. I took the battery out of her phone and hid it in my room. "Come on I'll help you pack." I said as I pulled out her wardrobe and went through her clothes.

I got out some bikini's and shorts along with summer clothes. We were going to Spain to surprise Ed. After I packed her bags I went and packed mine and then rang Liam. "So you're going away?" He asked surprised. "Well Liam, she is like suicidal at the moment so I am not going to leave her alone. Do you want to come or not?" The other side of the phone was silent for a moment and then he said that he would and went to pack his bags.

When I walked back into Francesca's room she was laying in exactly the same position just satring at the ceiling. I sighed and sat on her bed. I turned on the television and put on her favourite film LOL. The film was really good and I knew she used to really like Miley Cyrus. She watched the film and fell asleep half way through it. I went back to my bed and set my alarm, the flight was really early in the morning.

I woke up and ran into Fran's room dragging her out of bed. "Whaa..." She said as I chucked her suitcase at her and jumped into the car. Liam was waiting for us in the car along with Harry. I smiled and jumped in with them. Francesca greeted them and then started moaning. She really wasn't a morning person without her usual cup of tea. I laughed at some of the things she was coming out with and then rolled my eyes. The boys just switched of and started their own conversation leaving me to put up with her early morning rants.

When we got to the airport we went to get Francesca her beloved tea and sat down to have some breakfast. "So you excited?" Harry asked us as the women brought over our food. "I can't wait to get away from this place." I said and Francesca knew what I meant. Liam and Harry looked at me confused and then we started talking about what we should do when we got there. "You haven't actually told me where we are going!" Francesca moaned so I ordered her another cup of tea. "We are going to Spain." I said excitedly and her face immediately perked up.

The plane journey went really quick, Harry sat next to Francesca and I sat next to...Oh wait on top off Liam. It was quite funny we were in front of them and the two boys got smashed.

Harry Styles and Liam Payne drunk on a plane really isn't a good thing.

I laughed at them making jokes to the random strangers sitting next to them. They were asking all kind of personal jokes. I was in tears and so was Fran. We sat there watching them with amusement and cracked up after every word. The people they were talking to were completely unamused by their questions and the one next to Liam switched with his son who was ten years old.

We got off the plane and stepped into the beautiful Spanish air.

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