Chapter 1 - Reality Dodging

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He cast his trusty Elwind as I jumped from foot to foot, dodging the light green magic. My brother may have gotten stronger with his large variety of tomes, but I'd also gained strength in my own ways. With the help of Orpheus of course, along with the rest of my friends I've made the mansion my new home.

It'd been about one year since the "Tabuu incident," and since then I'd refused to loiter around day in day out. Never again would I allow something like that to harm my family, no matter who it may be. Friends were hurt during the fight, thankfully not forever lost. That much I could be thankful for. It's crazy when you realise what the people close to you would go through for you. I guess it goes to show how much people can so easily take things for granted.

"I think that's enough training for today, Iquissa. Don't you think?" Robin called out to me from halfway across the training arena.

"Don't tell me you're calling quits already, are you?"

"What if I am?" It was obvious that he was dehydrated, along with tired of me constantly beating him up. Such wondrous sibling rivalry we share, in the sense of love of course.

"Then I guess that just means I'm stronger than you."

"If that is what it takes, I will gladly call it quits." It always frustrated me when he gave up like that. It just lost all the purpose of making things fun.

I glanced to the clock hanging just below the spectator's window, and lunch was to be served soon anyway. Robin was already opening the door to the exit when I saw his Levin sword still sitting on the bench. Not being bothered to move myself, I decide to put a new favourite ability of mine to the test.

Like I said, I hadn't been taking it easy for the last year or so, and as a result great benefits came along with the hard work I endured. A new ability I proudly gave the name "Willow Whisper," simply is achieved by me whispering a few words into the air with my hand beside my mouth as I speak. Visible wisps of air hover around my eyes, and then I use the magic in my hands to quite literally, push the whisper across great distances.

I admit that I had used it for more "evil" than good, like the other day when I tricked Falco into thinking that his gun could speak. That was a true classic for the books, and I planned on doing something to Dark Pit as well.

I used my Willow Whisper and said, "forgetting something?" A few moments later it looked as though a great wind coming from out of nowhere blew over him, meaning he received the message. He turned around without even looking at me, and slouched as he walked back to the other side of the arena to get his sword. He then walked back to the door the same way. I just laughed, seeing how exhausted he was. You could've described him as a teenage boy not wanting to clean his room as his mother had asked of him.

I left the room with him, and we walked over to the dining room where there was a "serve yourself" lunch. Him and I grabbed our own trays along with some salad and other kinds of food, and sat down at our usual table.

A lot of things had changed around the entire mansion, even the dining room arrangements. As an example, the dining room was no longer super fancy. It was renovated to become a dining room that had multiple tables to sit around, whilst everyone would take in turns in cooking the meals during the week and serving. Much like the setup of a school cafeteria actually. Today was Kirby's turn to cook with Meta Knight, and they cooked a lot.

Naturally, like a school, the different groups of Smashers had their own tables. I had my own table with Robin and the others, Falco had his own with the rest of his posse, there was a table for the Pokémon and another for the younger smashers. We were all divided. I didn't mind the original fancy, long table after it started to grow on me. But I guess it became a problem to try and keep it as clean as possible, since after I jumped all over it during my wolf transformation time. My bad.

We sat down where the rest of our friends were, and they seemed to be surprised to see us earlier than usual when we finish training. "Back so soon?" Link began.

"Come on, we're not really that much earlier. Are we?" Robin genuinely questioned to the rest of them.

"Yeah, you kind of are. Usually you come around forty-five minutes or an hour later," Samus chimed in with her mouth full of a some kind of burger.

"Well, Robin admitted defeat and that I was stronger than him, only so he could get out of me kicking his butt again like last time."

"What? Are you serious Robin? You're so much stronger than that; you defeated the fell dragon for Naga's sake! ...Or are you just weaker than I suspected?" Lucina jokingly teased her friend, pretending to stroke an invisible beard. Robin moaned and put his hands on his face and mumbled.

"Seriously you guys, it's not that big of a deal how long we train for."

"It is when you admit defeat to your little sister."

Pit suddenly decided to join the fray after finally choosing what he wanted to eat. "Hey guys- Robin? What are you doing here so early? Aren't you and Iquissa still meant to be training right now?"

Robin idiotically moaned once more and hit his head on the table over and over again, clearly frustrated with the repetitiveness of this conversation. It had become a "thing" overtime, where most of us would purposefully tease Robin to make him like this. It was our entertainment during lunch break.

"You guys make me want to leave," he mumbled through the table somehow. Unexpectedly, the normally quiet Zelda at lunchtimes decided to contribute to the conversation.

"Speaking of 'wanting to go home', I've been thinking about something lately, Iquissa." I suddenly changed my demeanour and became very intent on listening to what Zelda had to say, as did everyone else.

"Do you ever think about going home?" 

What is she asking me?

"Well, I mean, I've always wanted to see what my real home looks like really-"

"No, I mean going home to Earth. Do you miss it?" My stomach did a cartwheel after hearing Zelda mentioning the place where my life was miserable. Admittedly, I thought about it every now and then in the past, but I always dismissed it quickly, not wanting to confront my memories.

"No, I don't think about it or miss it, in answer to your question." Unintentionally, I answered bluntly and obviously wished to not talk about it any further. "Excuse me." I stood up from the table and swiftly made my escape. After I hastily left the room and was out of sight I begun to dawdle back to my room, where I sat on the end of my bed.

"Does she know about my dreams?" I asked myself aloud. That also became a habit of mine, speaking to myself.

She must know, there's no other reason why she would ask that out of the blue. That princess, sticking her nose into things she shouldn't be.

As if it was perfectly timed, Orpheus decided to come out of Willow and keep me company. I didn't realise how hard my grip was on Willow on the first place.

"Something troubling you, mistress? You are thinking negatively again." I only just realised that my mind was saying not-so-nice things again. That had begun to happen a little recently, most likely as a result from restless nights and haunting memories.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it Orpheus. Just some stuff going on in my head right now," I sigh heavily.

"Shall I keep you company for the time being then?" I smiled at him. He always knew when I needed some company. And so, my floor being rather wide and spacious, he made himself comfortable by lying down as I sat next to him.

The newcomers are coming in a few hours time, I'll go down later. 

I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and entered my unwanted dream state.

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