Chapter One

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"Harper! Hurry up will you? We're going to be late for dinner!" My dad called from downstairs and I rolled my eyes dramatically. I finished putting my earrings in and admired myself in the mirror for one last time before I left. I looked good, in a black dress that fit my figure perfectly, ending just before my knees. It was sexy but modest, just how I liked it. I slipped my feet into my shoes before going down to greet my parents.

My family are what you would call 'well-off', we're not exactly short of money but that's because my dad runs a company. A very successful company and that's why we're going out tonight. He has a new partner, Sam, whom he wants mom and I to meet and honestly I'd rather have stayed at home but I went anyway to keep my parents off my back. I don't know why dad always gets so eager for us to meet his partners anyway, it's not like we see them often because whenever they're over here they spend half the time in his office. Either way, I'm getting a nice meal out of this so I chose to go.

It was around a 30 minute drive to the restaurant and my enthusiasm for this meal was reaching an even lower low; something which I didn't even think was possible. And the journey was filled with talk about Sam this and Sam that, my mom was all for it but no matter how much dad tried to sway me with 'he's just about your age, you'll have lots in common' I just couldn't care less. I wasn't about this life, rich people going to fancy restaurants in fancy cars, I'd much rather hang out with my friends and be a normal teenager for once. I was dragged out of my thoughts by the car making an abrupt stop and my dad announcing that we'd arrived. Great. How long till we can go right back home?

Once I was out of the car, I dusted myself down and followed my dad into the restaurant, letting my eyes scan the foyer for whoever it could be that we were waiting for. No one here looked around my age, either my dad was lying or this guy just wasn't here yet. Then the doors we entered from opened and from the way my dad's face broke into a grin I knew this was the right guy. I turned around to greet him and I was completely taken aback by the man in front of me. He was beautiful beyond words, his hair was platinum blonde quite clearly dyed because brown roots were showing but damn they suited him. And as he smiled over at us, a dimple appeared on his cheek as his eyes lit up with happiness, it was like an angel had entered the room. I watched as he sorted out the cufflinks of his navy blue suit before making his way over to his, his eyes im medicating fixing on me. I was barely paying attention to anything my dad was saying as I just stared at the Sam until he pulled his gaze away from me.

"Sam, this is my wife Linda and my daughter Harper." My dad spoke and I couldn't tell if the huge smile on his face was because Sam - the new apple of his eye, the 'future of his company' as he likes to say - had arrived or just because he was just happy that me and mom weren't unimpressed by him. Sam gave my mom a brief hug, pecking her on the cheek lightly before doing the same to me. It was probably just my imagination but I was so sure that my hug lasted longer, the feeling of his hands on the small of back lingering long after he'd let go. But I didn't have time to question it before we were informed that our table was ready and we were escorted in.


Throughout the meal my father kept up the conversation between us, constantly talking about his plans for the future with Sam and my mom asked Sam question after question about his life, and I hung onto every word that fell out of his mouth. For the entirety of the night, I felt as though every ounce of Sam's attention was centred towards me and maybe that was just because I wanted that so bad I conjured up the concept in my mind but every time he wasn't being addressed his eyes were back on me. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing to me.

I barely spoke through the meal, I didn't really have much input because I have no insight into dad's business and even if his partner is the most beautiful person I've ever seen, I'm still not going to try and get into something so dull. It was crazy to me that Sam was the way he was - so into the intricate details of business, the ins and outs of every little thing. It was crazy because he's nineteen, nineteen years old and he's doing this?! It was hard for me to fathom him having a normal friendship group, doing normal things like other teenagers. But I wanted to know what he does in his spare time, I wanted to know what he does when he's not at meetings and what he wears when he's having a casual day at home. I wanted to know everything about someone I'd known for next to no time and that was probably a first for me.

When it came to saying our goodbyes, I was the last one that Sam said bye to and it's pathetic that I'd been looking forward to this moment for the whole evening - not because I wanted to go home but because I wanted Sam to speak to me again, just me with no one else involved. Fuck, I'd never been this way around a guy before, it was just that he had this quality about him that pulled me in and I never wanted to get back out.

"It was nice to meet you." His voice came out smooth and slick as he leaned in for another hug, this one different from the first one because I suppose we were more acquainted at that point. "Next time I hope to get to know you better." I shivered at his words because he practically whispered them in my ear mid-hug and I don't know how such a simple sentence could be so sexy. When he pulled away, he threw me a sideways smirk, a kind that made him look playful and mischievous and that made it so much easier for me to take him as someone close to my own age. It was a change from the serious demeanour he'd kept up for the night and I sort of felt like that was the true side of him, the teenager that despite being so passionate about his work was still down to have fun. Perfect. Perhaps coming out tonight wasn't such a terrible idea after all.

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