Chapter Nine

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It'd been two days since I'd told Sam that I was going to help him with his problems; two days of barely any contact and I was worried sick. He'd been so busy with work and the only time I'd seen him was when he was at my house this morning for 10 minutes to pick my father up for a meeting, we couldn't even speak but I could tell just from looking at him that he's not doing good. I don't know how I expected him to lay off that stuff when he lives alone with no one to distract him but it was obviously an impossible idea. I had to be with him more often but there was no way for me to do that without telling my parents where I was going, this situation was so damn complicated. I sighed, grabbing my phone from my bedside table and beginning to text.

To Sammy 🐸:
how's the meeting going?x

From Sammy 🐸:
about as boring as you'd expect babe, I miss u x

To Sammy 🐸:
I miss u too. you feeling okay? you didn't look too good this morning x

From Sammy 🐸:
I don't think I can do this like stopping and everything I was doing okay it's not a big deal seriously ill be good baby don't worry about me x

I rolled my eyes at his text, I knew it wouldn't be easy for him but there was no way he was giving up that easily. Even if I had to keep an eye on him permanently that's what I'd do.

To Sammy 🐸:
You're high rn aren't you? x

From Sammy 🐸:

To Sammy 🐸:
It's fine Sam, I'm not mad. I get it or at least I'm trying to. I think I should come stay with you for a bit would that be okay? Just to help you get started, it won't be forever so don't freak out 😂 x

I made sure to reassure him that I what I was suggesting was for his own good rather than me progressing the relationship ridiculously fast because it definitely was the former; I certainly wasn't in any place to move in with a guy I've been dating for less than a week. Despite how head-over-heels I was for him already.

It was a good five minutes before I got a reply from Sam and I was at the point of thinking that maybe I had scared him away. I was about to think of a way to convince him that my suggestion had been a joke but that moment I received a text.

From Sammy 🐸:
I'm not freaking out 😊 that'd be great omg we'll have so much fun!!!!!!!

I giggled at the excitement in Sam's response, he always reminded me of a small child at Christmas when he acted that way and I could only imagine the huge grin on his face; ear to ear, dimples showing - absolutely adorable.

but what about your parents? won't they want to know where you're staying?

And this was the hard part, convincing Sam to agree to telling my parents about us. Convincing Sam to potentially lose his job. Except that wouldn't happen, I wasn't going to let that happen.

To Sammy 🐸:
I think we have to tell them about us, they're bound to find out sooner or later anyway... better it be sooner? x
Read 13:07


My stomach was practically in knots by the time the front door opened downstairs. It was 7pm. Sam still hadn't answered my text and I knew for sure that I'd said the wrong thing. I heard my dad's voice echo around the house. "Foods here." He announced loudly to which I got up from my bed, good takeaway food was one way to solve my problem.

I listened as my mom greeted my dad, asking him how his day went before she began to speak to another person and the voice that responded sent shivers down my spine... Sam? I took a shaky breath as I turned the corner into the kitchen, Sam was sat at the dining table while my mom and dad were putting various types of Chinese food onto different plates. My eyes met with his instantly and I watched as he mouthed a sorry at me followed by 'my phone died'. I shook my head in annoyance but I couldn't stop a tiny smile from playing on my lips, there was me. Overreacting again.

I took my seat beside him at the table, searching his face for some kind of emotion but all I could see was exhaustion. He looked so tired and run down I wanted to cuddle him but I couldn't and I knew I had to get used to seeing him this way, possibly even worse if he was going to get better but it just was killing me. I managed to gain his concentration enough to shoot him a questioning glance and he knew straight away what I meant, he nodded his head quickly and I cleared my throat; this way it, I was telling my parents.

"Guys, uh, I- well, we kinda have something-" I was cut off by Sam suddenly standing up, an awkward cough leaving his mouth before he spoke, his gaze fixed on no one in particular. "I'm sorry, is it okay if I use the bathroom real quick?"


Sam's POV

I wanted to tell them so bad, I really did but the thought of losing my job and not being able to see Harper anymore scared me way too much to go through with it. And on top of that, I hadn't gotten high in a good few hours and it was really getting to me at this point, I could already feel my body start to tremble the tiniest bit and my head was already pounding. How the fuck would I be able to carry on with this if I can't even manage a few hours?

Before I could even get around to pull the bag of powder out of my pocket, I heard the door close behind me and two arms wrapped around my waist. I fell limp under her grasp, exhaling loudly before turning to face her. I pulled her closer into me for a hug before she unwound herself from me. "I can't tell them Harper, I'm going to lose my job. I'll lose everything, then what else am I going to do?" My words were full of stress and worry and I knew all these emotions were intensified because of my withdrawal but it was only going to get worse from here and I didn't think I even wanted to go through with that any more. "I can't fucking do any of this shit."

"Yes you can. I believe you can stop the drugs, I know you can tell my parents about us and I know you won't lose your job. Please Sammy, just let me help you." Her eyes pleaded with me and my resistance crumbled immediately, I had to at least try. I hadn't even attempted to ignore the incessant urges I'd had over the past two days but perhaps if Harper was with me, it'd be easier to distract myself. There was no other way around it, we had to tell her parents. "Can you give me what you have in your pocket please?" She spoke firmly, her palm outstretching and I felt a flash of defensiveness run through my system, anger that came from the mere thought of giving away what was practically my comfort blanket but I managed to calm down pretty quickly. I handed the small bag over to her as quickly as I could so I couldn't change my mind. She smiled gratefully, placing it in her pocket and I knew she'd discard of it later. "Now come on, let's just get this other with." She placed a gentle kiss on my lips before we exited the bathroom, on our way to potentially ruin my life. Or on the other hand, improve it just as well.

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