Chapter Three

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A/N: ok there's smut in this chapter and also like mentions of drug use (that's kinda gonna be a theme in this book) so if you don't like that stuff/can't read it then I'm v sorry!!! This chapter is also quite long but there was a lot to get in lmao xx

Between Sam and I, the conversation flowed freely and with barely any silences all the way to the restaurant. When it came to paying for food, Sam insisted that he pay even though I was more than willing to give him my part of the money; he refused like a stubborn child when I tried to hand it over and I had no choice but to give in. I didn't mind though, of course I'm not opposed to being treated every once in a while. We'd talk about anything and everything, mainly the conversation revolved around myself because Sam was persistent that he learnt more about me - I'm not all that interesting though and I figured that most of my goals in life were silly so at first I was hesitant to tell him when he asked what I wanted to do in the future.

"Uh, I don't know." I muttered in response, taking the straw from the milkshake into my mouth to avoid having to talk. He simply shook his head, not taking that response as a valid answer and urging me to go on. "Ok, fine. Well, at first I wanted to go to college and study psychology because that was so interesting at school and I was sure I wanted to do more with it but then I changed my mind about that..." I began my explanation, noticing the way his eyes were fixed on me the whole time, he hung onto my every word. I couldn't remember the last time anyone had listened, and I mean really listened to me this way but the fact that he actually cared what I had to say only spurred me on. "Why did you change your mind?" He inquired, God, he really did want to know everything about me.

"Well because the thing that I'd actually always wanted to do ever since I was little was always made fun of, like people were always like 'oh you can't make a career out of that' and I guess it's true but I'd rather do something I enjoy than be unhappy." I could feel my cheeks heating up at his gaze and I knew he was going to ask me exactly what it was I want to do with my life but it was so embarrassing; I wanted to be an artist, a painter to be precise. And I know that's not exactly the most embarrassing career choice ever but after years of people telling me I couldn't do it and that it was a useless goal it kind of takes its toll on me. "You promise you won't laugh if I tell you? Because most people tell me it's stupid but I don't think it is."

"Nothing is stupid if you enjoy it, don't be silly I won't laugh." The smile he gave me was genuine and honest and I suddenly felt at ease with him again. "I want to be a painter, like professionally. I've been painting here and there ever since I was 13 but then I really got into it a few years back and I don't know, it's just something that calms me down."

"Harper that's so cool! You'll have to show me something one time, yeah? Damn, I wish I could be creative." His excitement and genuine enthusiasm about what I'd just told him made butterflies form in the pit of my stomach. Fuck, there had to be something about him that wasn't completely perfect. "Yeah but you're way more clever than I am so it balances out." I shrugged, I'm not exactly stupid but I know for a fact Sam is much smarter than me, just the way he speaks about his work is literally so in-depth and full of knowledge that it completely baffles me someone of his age can know the things he does.

"I know a lot about one thing - the world of business. Other than that, I'm the dumbest fuck that's ever lived. You'll see." That intoxicating laugh escaped his mouth once more as he finished off his milkshake; the way he licked his lips to get rid of the excess liquid was so enticing. "It's good that it helps you relax though, I gotta find better ways to relax honestly. You wanna come back to my place for a bit?" He asked me suddenly when we'd both finished our drinks. I nodded without hesitation and we made our way out to his car, this time his hand actually interlocked with mine as we walked and I struggled beyond anything to keep the smile off my face.

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