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Pre Prologue
New York
can't say I remember the exact day or time, but I remember everything else.
I remember the slight smell of pumpkin in the air and I scrunched my nose in disgust as I hated cinnamon.
I remember the vapor coming out of my mouth and I breathed in and out of the chilly September air, pulling my thin jackets around my pale waist. I remember the pink cotton candy color of the clouds contrasting against the vibrant blue sky that was scattered with a light orange as the sun started to set.
And I most definitely remember the fiery red speck in the crowd hurrying towards a diner rushing while looking back and forth as if scared of being caught. I remember the urge to follow him
I remember my feet planted on the ground
I remember my hand cleanched in my pocket willing myself to stay still and not move
I remember the minutes tick by as I waited for the red to appear again so maybe I could get even a small glimpse at the face that beheld it.
I remember the darkening sky and the emptiness of the street
I remember leaving. My feet making a soft click sound as it went left and right.
I remember the sirens and my rushing to get home as fear overwhelmed me
A woman died that night, the place cut off with police tape as the small diner I once knew became a spot for the loss of life
To this day I keep wondering, if I had walked in behind him, would anything be different?

This is so short and boring bear with me

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