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I remember when I was younger, my mom used to tell me "be careful what you wished for" as if it would make her sound wise when it reality it was just another cliche line.

Now i realize I was just too dumb to ever actually listen to understand it.

In the back of my head, he was always there.
The boy. The mystery
In the back of my mind I always wished I could see him for longer than just that short time on the train. Was it because I love him?


No matter how many times I tried to tell myself that it was just another silly crush on a random boy I don't know, I knew it wasn't true.

It's almost like I craved him, needed him, like an addict that's grown A tolerance.

But in the back of my head I knew that wasn't entirely true either.

I didn't particularly JUST him, I craved the attention he gave me.

I like to think it's a yams attribute, but whenever I know that someone has any kind of interest in me, I crave and want it and I want to make them want me more.

Saying that, I realize that my intentions most likely don't seem all innocent, but there's nothing evil about them either.

Maybe if I listened to my mother I wouldn't be in this mess.
Because when I said that I wanted to see the boy from the subway more, I didn't mean for fate to make it the way it happened.
I didn't mean that the next time I saw him would be me witnessing him committing a crime.

I know it was him, there wasn't a doubt in my body that he was the one that killed that poor lady.

Maybe I could tell by the scared look in his eye when he saw me looking at him. Maybe it was the way he ran out of that diner as discreetly as he could. Maybe it was intuition.

All I knew was that I was infatuated with the idea of a boy who is most likely a murderer.

Ey it's ya girl sev finally updating.
I won't lie, the reason I haven't been updating like o promised is bc I honestly don't think any other person besides me read this. But hey might as well just hit publish right.
Few key points PLEASE READ
-I deleted all the dates off the chapter bc it was confusing as hell
-"present" means present day luke writing this story which is the "flashback"
(Basically the story where Michael is a murderer is a flashback and luke writing about it is the present"
-I'm really trying to edit this book hella lot since it's honestly a mess and all over the place
Also, before writing new chapter I deadass had to re read the entire book LOVE my life

Last thing: is this book getting boring? Please tell if the chapters are getting less enjoyable I won't be upset promise I really just want feedback
Love you all,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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