
34 2 0

Luke Hemmings,
New York

The sun was blinding me as soon as I opened my eyes. I sighed and stood up from the bed trying to clear my eyes as my leg hair stood up and I got goosebumps from the air conditioned room up to my plain grey boxers.

5 days. Its been 5 days since I decided to walk out of my hometown without any evidence or any notice, especially to my family. I loved them, truly did but I knew that as soon as I told them my mom would freak out and fly out to bring me back. So I packed everything I had, took out all my money, from my wallet, from my savings and collected my last paycheck and bought a one way coach ticket to New York. All the money I had amounted to around $98,000, which was defiantly more than enough to live a year if I wanted to.  With $96,500 left, I got in a cab, and asked them to drive me anywhere, somewhere, someplace new. Now after 5 days I stayed here in my small apartment, with $37,000 on hand as I had put the rest in a bank in case.

Some would say I was stupid, which, I'm not going to deny I most definitely am. Who in their right mind would leave everything behind and drive halfway across the world with some money and no connections or plan whatsoever. I don't know what took over me. Something about Calum suddenly leaving snapped me. The thought of my best friend getting on a plane and going who knows where in the whip of the moment without any contact left made me realize that it's just what I could do.

I could leave

I could leave so suddenly without anyone holding me back, I could leave
without feeling like I needed to come back. So I did

Now here I am in an apartment in new york surrounded by people I don't know and by luxuries I can't have and by places I can't go.

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