Ch 5: Worried hearts

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After talking to Sans some more we both finished our food. We walked back home just as the lights in town went out. Shit! I need to check on Flowey! Ran towards the brown colored house and straight into my room. I ran towards the closet and opened the door panting. I squatted down so I was closer to eye level.

"Ok, your fine!" I obviously scared him but appearing so quickly. But I could see the smile on his face from seeing me. "Sorry I haven't checked up on you in awhile, how you doing?"

"How's who doing?" Fear ran through me at Sans voice. I DIDN'T LOCK THE DOOR! I turned quickly to see Sans round the corner and enter my door way. I DIDN'T EVEN CLOSE THE DOOR?!

I quickly slammed my closet door shut just as his eyes moved to it. I know he saw Flowey! How could he have not! Even if he didn't there's no way he wouldn't check out why I slammed the door. My eyes moved from Sans, to the closet, and back to Sans...

The sight I saw was terrifying, and that's an understatement if anything at all. Sans eyes; the second I looked his eyes went back at the door and returned to normal. But for a split second... I swear, his eyes were hollow. Not the same hollow as earlier though. This time they had an emotion behind them. No, not an emotion. An intent.

An intent to kill.


I yawned and was about to head up stairs to sleep when a flash of black and brown wized by me. Shortly after these colors Sans ran in through the door. Before I could ask him what was going on he two ran up the stairs following the blob into Layla's place of residency.

The door was wide open not stoping Sans in the slightest.

"How's who doing?" I listened carefully as I followed the two. It was dead quiet as I walked up behind Sans. His eyes were sealed on the door while Layla's were stuck on Sans. She was kneeling with her back against the closet door. Her eyes shone with nothing but fear.

"SANS, WHAT IS GOING ON?" I asked. My voice sounded like glass, breaking the silence. "HUMAN, WHY ARE YOU SO SCARED?" It was silent for a moment more before Sans turned towards me. I could tell just from the blank look on his face that he obviously was containing what ever emotion he was feeling. I let him by and watched him enter his room; the door slammed shut.

Layla let out a worried breath. It was shaky. "Hi... How are you..." Her voice was just above a shaky whisper.

I walked in the room and kneeled next to Layla. She slowly unfroze. She went from frozen to the wall to a noodle in about 30 seconds. She sat on the ground leaning against the center of the closet. I took my next actions with out hesitation.

I picked up the human from under the arms the made her stand up. Shock replaced the fear on her face. I hugged the human tightly waiting for a reply. I don't know what happened but it shook her up badly.


I hugged back. Papyrus was taller then me by like a foot but I placed my arms around him and my head on his shoulder. Time seemed to freeze for a moment as I realized how warm the hug was. I listened closely but heard no heart beat, It was just warm.

The hug ended and I looked up at Papyrus confused. Why he hugged me I didn't know but it was welcomed.

"FELLING BETTER?" His voice was hushed.

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