Ch 7: Innocents

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I woke up from a troubling dream. I couldn't remember everything but it was not pleasant. Glancing around the room I saw Sans fast asleep on my love seat and Frisk asleep on the couch.  I quietly got up and made some breakfast. The smell must have woken them up. 

I could hear small talk from the living room and I smiled at the normal conversation.

"What's up kid..."

"Nothing really, you look like you haven't aged a day..."

"Can't say the same for you though. How old are you now?"

"16, I think. Not sure." I walked back to them and handed them each a plate off food. They both started eating and I dished myself some food.

"I have a lot of stuff I need to get done today. Do you mind looking after Frisk for me?" I said to Sans walking back into the kitchen. I placed my dish in the dishwasher.

"Um, I guess?!" I smiled and went to my room to change. I changed into a pair of white jeans and my black sweatshirt from the first day I was here. I had on a light purple tank-top under everything. I slipped on my galaxy high tops and walked out into the living room.

"I'll see you two later!" They both nodded never breaking eye contact. I closed the door behind me and started walking for Alphyus lab. The air seemed more chilled and a slight shiver ran down my spine. I walked quickly trough the last of Snowdin and into the caverns. I slowed my pace and eventually reached Undying's house.

I knocked on the door gently and it was answers quickly. Alphyus answered and stepped outside with me. We had previously arranged a date to meet up. We started for the lab.

"So why did you want to talk to me privately?" Her voice was nervous.

"Well I had some questions about monsters. And your the only one I know who could answer most of them." I braced myself for the more challenging questions.

"Ok? What kind of questions do you have?"  As we reached the boat man I silenced my self.

"Tra la la, where to today?"

"Hotland." Alphyus spoke. The boat ride was short and quiet. I didn't speak again until we were inside the lab.

We sat down at her desk and I spoke.

"How long do monsters live?"

"Well I'm not entirely sure on that question. The children from birth to adulthood take about 25 years but after that the aging process stalls. So honestly I'm not sure." She seemed suspicious of my question.

"So compared to my 100 years...?"

"Well.... If I had to guess? About 1/8th. Somewhere around there?" I let out a sigh. I was hesitant about my next question.

"I really love it down here and want to stay for as long as possible... Is there any way to turn me into a monster?"


As Layla closed the door Frisk stood up and looked around for something. I glared at her as she pulled the knife from under the couch. She slipped it into her pocket and she headed do the door.

"Where do you think your going kid...."

"Out, I have some old friends to catch up with.." She glared back at me and I saw her pulps go red. I stood up and followed her not speaking.

She knew I was there and she knew why. I followed her to Snowdin and monsters soon swarmed her. She put on one hell of a good facade and smiled greeting everyone. I followed her silently through town and she entered my house. I was Floweys face lift in happiness. I stepped in front of the two and called for my brother. My eyes never left Frisk. She kept a straight face but Floweys turned. His once happy expression changed to terrified.

Frisk moved on.

As Papyrus came down stairs, seeing Frisk he went star struck. He quickly ran down and hugged her, I froze as an evil smirk crossed her face.


I walked back into town a small frown on my face. I didn't quite get the answer I wanted.  I was hoping to become a monster to live longer but the chance of something like that working is slim to none.

I opened the door to my home to see no one their. They must have gone to Sans'. I closed the door and continued to walk along the snow covered grown.  Just as the two skeletons house came into sight I heard an ear perching howl.

My hands reflexively moved to my ears and I froze from the sudden noise. I stood shocked as my brain prosed the sound. The scream was female, high pitched, and didn't sound like it was from a monster.

The only person I could think of is Frisk...

I started into a full sprint as a crowd started to form. I ran straight into the skeletons house to see a shocking sight.

Papyrus was standing shocked with Frisk standing behind him. One of my kitchen knives was in front of his throat. Sans stood defensively across the room.

Everything was quiet for a moment before the smile on Frisks face became twisted. She started laughing manically.

"You really though I was still innocent! I've been trapped alone in our total darkness for over 5 years and you don't think that ANYONE found me!" She looked at Flowey. "I had a nice long visit with a friend..."

His face went white and pure horror crossed his face. Frisk let out another laughing and moved to Sans.

"And Sans... I can't believe your still sane! I mean those nightmares gotta be getting to ya by now!? Watching everyone die over and over.... Watching me kill them... Wanna turn those dreams into reality?"

"FRISK! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I yelled taking step forward. I was trying to understand what was going on. My little sister has become a insane killing machine...

"Oh, you think your soooo innocent! Don't let make me remind you of what you did! This whole situation is your fault!" Her eyes started watering as her grip on the knife tightened.

"I KNOW WHAT I DID! That gives you no reason to..." My voice faded out and tears formed in the corners of my green eyes. I glared at her for bringing such memories to mind. I walked towards Sans and spoke only loud enough for him to hear.

"I'm so sorry..." Before I let him give me an answer I lunged at my beloved sister. In her shocked state I was able to rip her away from Papyrus. Sans ran to him and I pinned Frisk to the floor; the knife still firmly in her hand. I shook and tears fell onto her face.

"Get off me...!" She hissed, her voice was filled with hatred. I didn't know what to do next. I've never done anything like this before. A low growl escaped from Frisk and  she used pure rage to turn the tides. She switched out out positions and raised the knife. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come.

When it didn't it opened my eyes to see vines wrapped around her hand holding it back. The vines were connected to Flowey. Suddenly she was yanked off of me and a loud teens voice rang out.

"Layla run! Get out of here!" I glanced at Flowey to see an apparition of a teen aged goat like monster standing behind him. I shook the shock off quickly and sprinted out the door.

I ran into the cold and towards the forest. After about 30 seconds a could feel the that anger arose from the house. Frisk exited the front door as I looked back.  I sprinted as fast as I could but the year of inactivity was catching up with me.  She's going to catch me eventually...

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