Ch 13: Sinking Ships

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As a black light burned the heart shaped necklace a tear fell down my face. I blacked out for a second and when I awoke again I was holding my bloodied fist in front of a broken mirror. I hissed in pain as I quickly washed off my hand under the faucet

"Layla? Everything ok?!" I heard Sans approaching. I used my uninjured hand to push the now dull yellow necklace into my shirt. More tears fell from the pain and I cussed out loud. I couldn't prevent myself from shaking as Sans walked in.

"holly shit! What happened!" Sans ran up next to me and opened a cabinet grabbing bandaging. I continued to tremble as I removed my hand from under the stream of water. Sans turned the water off still having a scared look on his face. I sat down on the toilet lid and held my bleeding hand.  He quickly knelt down to my level and I gave him my hand. After applying an ointment of sorts he wrapped my hand completely In gauze and medical tape.

I don't know how long it was until I stopped crying. After I was down to just sniffles Sans stood helping me up. We walked to the couch and still with no words sat down next to each other.

I continued to sniffle and as Sans placed his arms around me giving me a hug I hugged back. I fully leaned into him burying my face into his jacket. Again I don't know how long it was until he pulled away. I had stopped shaking and my sniffling was gone.

"Can you tell me what happened..." His voice was concerned and soft.

"I-I'm not sure... I just blacked out and saw the mirror broken and my hand. Im scared of something but I don't know what it was I saw..." I looked down and stared at my feet.

"Ok, well your all patched up so let's just relax for a little bit..." I looked at him to see a lazy grin on his face once more. I shyly smiled back and he turned the tv on. Howls moving castle was still in the tv and Sans simply rewound the movie so we could watch it.

I leaned against the back of the couch and tried to get comfortable. I gave up in the act and I noticed Sans pat the area next to him. I moved over as he asked and he wrapped an arm around me leaning me up against him. A blush appeared on both of our faces as we smiled and continued to watch the movie. We were both comfortable as the movie played.

I stayed in Sans hold as I thought.

Was that was Gaster meant. I felt one of the emotions he spoke of and I blacked out...I guess I need to be a little more careful.

As the movie finished I don't think either of us wanted to move. I reached forward and turned the tv off with the remote.

"What do you wanna do now?" I asked Sans.  He looked at me and shrugged.

"We could go over to Undyne's still?" I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I don't know is up to you..." I said simply.

"Let's get going then. Before It gets late." I got off sans and we started walking to Undying's. We went to the boat man and got to Undyne's fairly fast. I knocked on the door and it opened. Before I could even speak she glompped me.

"YAY THE SHIP IS SAILING!!!!!" She screamed. I gave Sans a 'help me' look and he laughed helping me remove the fish lady from my torso. We entered the house and I didn't even try to stop Undyne from turning the tv on.

Ok, I think Metteton is stalking us now... 

A picture from about half an hour ago of us sitting on the couch at my place was now on screen and Metteton was fan-girling. We all watched the new report bringing the newest update on the girlfriend scenario. She turned the tv off after and Sans and I both sat shocked blushing.

"Can you explain what a ship is exactly...." I let out a sigh blushing light purple.

"It something that people support, when a person can see two of there friends together romantically it becomes a ship." He processed my words carefully before smirking just a tiny bit.

We spent the rest of the day helping Undyne cook and train a bit. I helped cook but couldn't do much it the fighting... Undyne said she could fix that...

We made possible training plans in the future and walked back home after dark. We left her house and as I walked down towards the boat man I was pulled the other way by Sans.

"I wanna show you something..." He had his hand wrapped around my upper arm and I was quickly pulled towards a bright blue/green glowing lake. My jaw dropped at the sight of this new area.

After having walked for about a minuet we crossed a small bridge I'd never noticed before and stumbled upon a small bench srounded by shimmering stars above and water all around.

I sat on the bench and I couldn't feel anything but awe.

"It's nice back here ain't it?" Sans spoke, I nodded yes in reply. "...Someone I knew a long time ago showed me this place." I was to amazed to truly understand his statement.

I sat on the bench in the middle of the small inclosed area and looked around in awe. Sans sat next to me and after a while of silence I spoke.

"Why did you show me this place?"

"Don't know just felt like it...."

"That's not really a good answer."

"Well it's the best one I can give ya."




"Why didn't you just tell me?"  I was a bit confused at the sudden and serious question.

"Tell you what?"

"Wh-... Ya know what... Never mind..." He closed his eyes and leaned back against the bench. I wanted to know what he was talking about but not wanting to pester him I didn't ask any further.



After a while longer of siting in the beautiful soundings we left. No more words were spoken, even when we arrived at my house Sans just waved goodbye. I entered the house and let out a sigh. I couldn't help but feel mixed.

I don't understand anything right now.  There's the hold thing with the necklace and who ever I saw in my dream. On top of that I have no idea what's going on with Sans.

I walked into my room and threw my sweat shirt and t-shirt to the floor. In just a tank-top and jeans I flopped, back side down, onto my bed. I fiddled with the pendent hanging around my neck and memorized the feeling of it. I let my thoughts drive me into delusions as I did so. I covered my face with my hand and pushed the twisted images away.

I sat up and reached into my dresser pulling out my dirt covered phone. I unlocked it and continued going through messages hoping for some answers to the many questions I have. I played the 3rd oldest one next.

"I'm not sure why I'm still leaving messages...*sigh* anyway... Everyone's kinda gone back to normal. Daily life is normal for the majority of people who knew you briefly but others arn't so lucky... *click*"

Message #4

"Today everyone learned some interesting information... Flowey is really Asriel, good thing you were here or I would have killed the prince... He spends a lot of time with Alphyus but won't tell anyone why... Right now he's living with the queen and they both seem a bit happier. Good for them..*click*"

Message #5

"It's been about two weeks sense ya left and almost everything seemes normal. Monster kid hasn't been seen form a couple of days but he couldn't be far... I bet he's just in the forest where you died.... He really misses you... We all do, I wish you could come back.... But that's imposable...*click*"

Message #6 (most recent)

"Today I was asked to check up on Alphyus.. She's been gone for longer then normal and Papyrus was desperate to get me to do something. It was mostly uneventful but I know she's hiding something.... She avoided a simple question and wouldn't make eye contact afterwards... I probably won't do anything about it knowing me but I don't like being deceived....

Anyway, I'll talk later...*click*"

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