Ch 10: Finding Friends

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Long story short I told Alphyus about my dream and she got really worried. I can't leave for an extra day and she wants to do more test. To get Metteton to keep his mouth shut she promised him an upgrade. I laughed at that. The past two days have been pretty much testing.

Things like reflexes to endurance and finally a blood. It was all tested.

After the two days ended couldn't wait to leave. I was bound on making one stop before seeing everyone though.

I walked out of the lab wearing one of Alphyus lab coats. I walked into the capital and everyone didn't recognize me. I didn't chat much as I made my way through the capital until I reached a large tree with three crosses on it. Two on one side of the tree and one on the other. The single alone one read the words 'Layla, for a human we all loved.'

I sat down and just let the strange moment wash over me. I never though I would live to see my own grave... I placed the flowers I got from Alphyus on all three graves and left.

The second place I went, somehow avoiding everyone, was my house. The front door was locked. I took the spare key from the small flower pot out side the and pushed it in to the lock. The door clicked as I turned the key and I swung the door open.  

A layer of dust covered everything and I let the familiar feeling wash over me. I closed the door and walked into my room. I grabbed a pair of clothes Id never worn before and took a shower.

I couldn't help but notice more of my new attributes in the mirror. I was a heck of a lot slimmer and had slightly more bust. My hair was totally black and hung down past my waist towards my knees. My skin was a pale off white color and my eyes were gray/green.

I changed into my clothes and put my hair into a high pony-tail. My bangs hung over my four head and the sides of my face. I smiled and left the house locking the door behind me.

The first person I want to see is Sans...

I walked towards Snowdin and before long I got to the brothers house. I knocked on the door but got no answer... No one was home, weird.

Walking through town no one knew who I was; I received strange looks from everyone and I figured if they don't remember me than Sans wont....
I entered Grillbys only to see my skeleton friend. I walked up behind Sans and sat on the stool next to him.

"Fries please...!" I told Grillby. He nodded and retuned with my order. I grabbed the ketchup and put it next to my fries.  I placed the ketchup on the counter.

"Um, Sans...?" I said kinda concerned. Normally he would have replied to my siting here or getting fries, and even the ketchup?

He slowly turned to look at me and his face didn't change at all. His head was rested on his hand which was propped upwards from his elbow.

"Who are you....?" I expected this. I let out a sigh. A smile pulled at my lips.

"I expected that.... It's ok though no one else got it." I leaned over the counter. "I'm just glad to be part of the living again..." I smiled at the thought of not being in total darkness. "Even if no one remembers..." Sarcasm laced my voice and it was easy to see I was purposely being mellow-dramatic. I turned to smile at Sans only to see his shocked face.

"Layla?!" He asked loudly... The whole room went silent at my name. I winked and made two guns with my fingers.

"That is the correct answer!" Everyone started freaking out. They were so filled with joy I couldn't even hear what Sans said only the cheers and questions.

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