Two Souls

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As I ran through the snow covered forest an occasional drop of blood fell leaving a crimson trail behind me.  I stopped a turned to lean my back against a tree.  A small chill ran up my spine as my back presses against the cold bark.  I held the large gash across my face and let the cold of my fingers graze across the warm pulsing flesh.

"Where did you go...?" The teens cold voice rang through the silent air. Fear ran through me at the nearness of it. I hushed my heavy breath and restrained my movement. I held my limp arm and small crunches in the snow could be heard. 

"OHHHHH! Looks like someone's bleeding!" The crazed child spoke drawing nearer.

I grasped my arm tightly and prayed. I have no energy to fight. I have no where to run. Shes is going to kill me! I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes tightly. Rustling was around me and suddenly stopped. I slowly opened my eyes to Frisk holding the knife covered in my blood.

"Found you...." She plunged the knife straight into my stomach. The smile on her face grew as she let go. She looked down at the blood on her hands and started laughing once more. I slowly slid down the tree until I reached the now red snow below me. I could feel the blood quickly drain from my body and I let out a week smile. My smile grew and became a laugh. This earned me a glare.

"Just what are you laughing at!" She knelt down to my level. I secretly pulled the knife from within me. Blood poured out faster.

"I-I just think it's humerus..." Quickly with out hesitation I sank the knife down into Frisks chest. "W-were sister, friends, loved ones... And we ended up killing each other... How ironic."

The smile on her face fell and she slumped forward balancing herself, holding the tree behind me.

"Neh, I guess you got me pretty good...I was hoping to have gained more HP before this happened but I guess life isn't fair..." She pulled the knife out of her chest and moved it ever so close to my face. My vision started faltering as the clod tip grazed my lips. She traced a frown over my skin before shoving the knife into me once more.

I let out a scream of pain as she twisted and carved with the knife. I wished for it all to end so the pain could stop but I was forced to stay awake. The pain wouldn't allow me to die.

I couldn't feel the cold as it washed over my flesh. The sharp edges of the knife sliced across my stomach and was retracted as Frisk fell down into the snow. Her wound was far less painful then my new ones and I could tell she was felling the blood loss. My head became light and filed with the felling of pain.

"I hate you... Frisk said. I coughed up blood. I barely mumbled out my words. Frisk pulled herself next to me and sat against the same tree as me.

"Ob-obviously.... I love you..." My eyes fell shut as I watched my last cloud of breath leave my body...

"I know" I felt a slight weight on my shoulder as I fell down.

-Third person-

Flowey had been delivered to Alphyus for medical attention and everyone sent up search parties for the sisters who disappeared into the forest. Despite trying no one could find Sans. after he made sure his brother was ok he had taken off after the two before anyone else and couldn't be found.

Everyone searched but it wasn't until after both the sisters had stopped breathing that they were found. Both sisters were leaning against a large tree covered in each other's blood. Laying in the bloodied snow next to them were three items. A blood covered knife, and two large hearts.

One was dark, almost black, but if you looked close enough you could still see a fraction of red. The second was pure white. The color would have been impossible to find if not for the red snow. The only imperfection on this soul was a large black scar reaching across the front of it.

No one really knew what this was from, many assumed a tragic experience of the past but that guess was far of.

The secret died with the sisters.



Sans: yeah, why leave it here?

Me: Well why not? It's all part of the story...

Sans: -.- your truly evil...


Sans: oh yeah... *looked ahead at finished but unpublished chapters* 0.0 wow...


Sans: *whispers what he saw*

Papyrus: O.O WOW.

Me: Jeez chill guys.... Anyway! To everyone reading! I shall post the first half of the second story soon!


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