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Summary : Everything was perfect but Joe was was put into hospital for a bit. Caspar must help Joe recover


Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

Caspar was in Joe's room, just looking around. Nothing in particular, he just didn't know what to do. Joe has been diagnosed with temporary amnesia. Which means he doesn't remember his relationship with Caspar.

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves

As Caspar was pacing in Joe's room, he saw a maroon box hidden under a black hoodie in the corner. He walked towards it and pulled it from under the hoodie, even though it was invasion of privacy.
The box was labeled 'jaspar'. Inside were photos, photos of Joe and Caspar from moving into the apartment, to after the 'Joe and Caspar hit the road' tour.

Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen still

Caspar picked up a photo where he was sitting in his office chair, Joe was hanging over his shoulder. Both YouTubers with a smile on their face.
"I remember this" Caspar whispered to himself.
Caspar put the photo down but as he was about to pull another one out Joe walked in "um hey... Caspar whatcha doing?" Caspar quickly closed the box ant put it away. "Oh um just sitting around." All Joe could remember right now was that he was just moving in with Caspar so they weren't as close yet.

So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet,
You won't ever be alone,
Wait for me to come home

"Oh ok want to go for some nando's for lunch?" Joe said hopping to get to know his supposedly best friend, he didn't remember much. Caspar nodded. Before heading upstairs he took a photo of Joe kissing his cheek and put it into his pocket.
Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul
And it's the only thing that I know, know
I swear it will get easier
Remember that with every peice of you
Hm,and it's the only thing we take with us when we die

Once again Caspar found himself in Joe's room. Then he remembered the box. He want to the corner and opened it once again.
He found a photo that was taken at the jaspar household after they got back from the funeral of Joe's grandad.
Zoë took the photo while Caspar was holding joe by the door while he was nuzzled in Caspar's neck, crying.

Hm, we keep this love in this photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts were never broken
And time's forever frozen still

"Hey Joe? Come here for a minute?" Caspar called to Joe upstairs.
"Coming" Joe said while Caspar heard Joe's feet jogging down stairs then seeing his cute face of his walk in.
"Do you remember this?" Caspar asked hopefully, triggering a memory for Joe.
Joe looked at the photo Caspar handed him, as a single tear fell "uh yea, I do remember this." Caspar hugged him the same way in the photo.

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone

When Joe finally stopped cry Caspar was happy that he now knew he could trigger memories for Joe. Caspar pulled away from the high just enough so their faces were just inches apart. "You have me, you won't ever be alone." Joe smiled sadly glancing at Caspar's lips but not to pay more attention to what he was saying, it was because he was wondering what could happen if they were to touch.
Caspar was wondering the same thing, if maybe that would trigger a memory. When he caught Joe looking at his lips he did it, he kissed him.
Joe was taken back at first that it was actually happening but he soon shuts his eye and kisses his best friend back. They tilt their heads in opposite directions to deepen the long overdue kiss, locking lips as if they would never come back. And Joe now remembers their whole relationship, how he fell in love, how it felt to have Caspar arms around him, kissing his true love.
Joe puts his hands through Caspar's hair pushing him down on the floor while joe is on top. While making sure he wasn't putting to much weight on Caspar, Caspar bit Joe's lip and wraps his legs around Joe's waist pulling him closer. They both never wanted to let go again.

Wait for me to come home

And if you hurt me
That's okay baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go
Wait for me to come home

Caspar was at Janya's. He took out the photos in his wallet because he wanted to look at photos of Jaspar again. Joe and Caspar had a fight because Joe said Caspar was uncommitted, and he thought Caspar ditched their date so he could cheat on him. But that wasn't what happened, Caspar was out picking a perfect ring for Joe. He wanted to spend his life with him forever. Joe told Caspar to leave so here he is now.
Caspar was looking at all the photos of them kissing. I wish I could feel those precious lips right now, Caspar thought.
His phone started ringing and he instantly jumped up to get it, he really hoped it was Joe. When Caspar saw the caller id name he picked up with a smile but soon turned into a frown because Joe was breathing shakily.
"Joe? What's wrong, are you ok! What's happened?" Caspar rushed into the phone. "Ca-Caspy, I-Im having a-a p-panic attack a-and you w-were the last p-person O-on the
l-atest calls ." Joe stuttered
"It's ok baby just breath. Wait for me to come home." Caspar said to keep Joe calm but kept him on the phone while he drove back to his loved one.
You can fit me
Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen
Next to your heartbeat where I should be
Keep it deep within your soul

Joe was wearing his special necklace from Caspar on his 16th . He was walking on the streets of London at around midnight, while Caspar was away on his book tour. While he was talking with Caspar on the phone Joe put his hand on his necklace with Caspar's picture in it. He missed him so bad. He was walking on the street him and Caspar had their first kiss after zalfie's Christmas party. Joe wanted to relive that moment over and over again, it was his favorite memory.

When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost back on Sixth street
Hearing you whisper through the phone,

"I remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost back on Sixth streetjoe whispered to Caspar over the phone "I remember too, it was the best moment of my life." Caspar spoke sweet and soft "and I want to have more like that, with you." Caspar continued "Just wait for me to come home" Caspar spoke one last time till Joe spoke again.
Everyone was at the Jaspar household, Jim, Tanya, Zoë, Alfie, Tyler, Troy, Louise, Darcy, Naomi, and Marcus. Caspar stood on a bar stool, "hello everyone can I have your attention." He said so everyone one could hear him. Everyone stopped talking and looked at Caspar "as you all know I am in love with Joe-"
"We all know that you say it everyday" Alfie yelled while everyone laughed.
"It's true, but I want to stay with him all my life till the day I die so," Caspar spoke again while getting of the stool. He walked to Joe who was by the stair case, he got on one knee whilst Troy turned of the lights leaving only the candles by the stairs for light. "I love you so much and your the only person I want to wake up next to, the only one I want my kids to call daddy, the only one that makes me happy just by looking at me. Will you, Joe Graham Sugg, stay with me for your entire life and marry me?" Joe nodded, and smiled while Caspar slipped the ring on his finger.
"Yes, I love you" Joe whispered with happiness. Slow dancing with Caspar, his fiancée.

"Wait for me to come home"

A/N: my first one shot complete. Just trying this but I don't know if I should do more...

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