Hold Me Close and Keep It A Secret

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Suggestion from Stiino19_Jaspar
Summery: Joe and Caspar have been secretly dating for almost 10 months but as their anniversary approaches Zoe, Joe's sister, catches them.

Warnings: none

An: I've finished writing this this morning just in time for my birthday today so it's just a little gift for me to know I can push through procrastination and finish it :)  (also a little gift for you if you actually like my shitty one shots since I haven't updated in about month I think)


"You're still wearing it?" Caspar said while him and his boyfriend were walking to homeroom. Caspar gave Joe a ball chain necklace for their 5 month anniversary with two circle pendants, one bigger than the other, stacked on top of each other. The top one had the date of when they're relationship began and the one underneath had their names and a little heart next to them.

It sucked that Joe had to hide the pendant under his shirt, he wanted to wear it without having to make sure it was hidden. "Of course I'm still wearing it! You gave it to me and now I'm going to keep it!" Joe stoped walking abruptly causing Caspar to almost trip over his own shoes.

"I really like it..." Joe said bashfully. Caspar stared at him in awe bringing his hands to his chest and smiling brightly, luckily the hallways were empty so no one could see him fanboying over Joe. "Aw Joe you're so cute! But I am surprised you like it. I've never had a relationship where the person showed they liked it that much, I've always thought my gifts weren't good enough." Now it was Caspar's turn to blush.

"Caspar this necklace is beautiful and so thoughtful, I truly love it thank you for being a great caring boyfriend." Joe smiled. They stood gazing into each others eyes and smiling like a couple of happy idiots until the bell rang pulling them from their love infested gaze with the realization that they were now late for class.

"Have you realized Joe's been getting to homeroom later than usual?" Tanya turned towards Zoe who was sat to her right. "Yeah I guess so but he's probably just getting used to the different schedule from last year he should be fine." Zoe replied with a sure smile on her face. "Zo, school started late August, surely he should be used to it by now."

Zoe thought about it, Joe wasn't usually the first person in the room but he wasn't the last either. She had also noticed he never really asked if she would take him to school with her anymore and he'd be out of the house before Zoe was even downstairs. Something had to be going on and now Zoe was going to find out. Joe soon walked in the room then Caspar a few moments later.

The teacher gave them an odd look meaning the tardy would be recorded and not neglected, not that the boys cared much. They took their seats as if they hadn't just come in after everyone had been seated and the teacher started to do their job.

"I think Joe's hiding something. He seems really excited about something but hasn't told anyone anything." Zoe's been thinking about this all day. She wanted to know why her baby brother was being so secretive. She was sitting between Tanya and Alfie, she'd been trying to explain to Alfie why it was weird for Joe to be like this.

"Maybe he's just being a normal teenager?" Alfie suggested, he didn't understand what Zoe was getting so worked up about. Zoe lightly punched Alfie's arm and exasperatedly sighed, "Alfie, that isn't helping! Why would he be excited over nothing?"

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