I Just Can't get Enough of You

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Summary: Joe and Caspar come out as a couple at vidcon and something really special happens Caspar wasn't expecting

Suggested by: @understandinglarry


~Third person view~
The whole YouTube gang already knew about Jaspar's relationship. They knew that all the cuddles and handholding was never platonic, but the viewers didn't.

Of course the viewers suspected or fantasized about Joe and Caspar being a couple; always tweeting them and adding #Jasparisreal or making the cutest fan fictions.

But they were right, Jaspar is real and the millions of people on the other side of the camera were oblivious to it, but they would soon know.

Caspar woke up in his and his boyfriend's hotel room in California. He was cuddled up with Joe, Caspar's face in Joe's stomach, one hand supporting Joe's waist and the other on top of him with his head above it.

Caspar deeply inhaled his boyfriend's faded cologne from the day before and smiled looking up to see Joe's adorable face still asleep, his arm under his head and a slight pout on his lips from his sleepy state.

Caspar giggled and got sat up turning back around and looking at how cute Joe was and he didn't even know it. His smile increased more, if it was even possible, when he remembered they were going to vidcon today.

The eager boy violently shook his boyfriend but not too much to hurt him, Caspar would never ever hurt Joe he just simply loved him too much.

Joe frowned his brow and mumbled something like 'stop, babe' but Caspar couldn't really understand him. "But Jojo today's vidcon and were supposed to to tell the viewers about us" Caspar whined.

Joe groaned and sat up to kiss his adorably overexcited boyfriend "Babe, we're not leaving right now it doesn't start for a few more hours"

Caspar sighed "fine, but I'm too excited to go back to sleep so I'm going to take a shower." Caspar got off the bed and went to the bathroom.

Before he could start the shower he heard Joe sigh then giggle "I'll call down to get us some breakfast!" Caspar laughed while thanking Joe.

He started the shower but before he got in Joe yelled "I love you, Caspar Lee!" Caspar giggled and shouted back "I love you too, Joseph Sugg!"

The brunette sighed happily and started dialing room service. What's got him so happy all of a sudden? Caspar thought while getting into the shower.

This morning Joe was being his usual non-morning person self but now he's really happy just in two seconds. It sounds possible, but for Joe? Nope.

Joe isn't a morning person at all. Joe always dreaded having to get up early to catch a plane. On his way to California he had to get up at 4:00 in the morning and yelled at Marcus just for picking them up at 4:21 when he was supposed to be there at 4:20.

Caspar had no problem with Joe being like this because he was used to it and it was quite funny seeing Joe was yelling at Marcus with half lidded eyes and almost falling asleep on Caspar mid sentence.

When Caspar finished his shower, he exited the bathroom in a towel to get his clothes he forgot. Before going back into the bathroom he saw the food was already here.

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