He Calls Me His Little Fragile Bean.

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Summery: Joe calls Caspar his little fragile bean and Caspar high key adores it.
I basically had no summery, this doesn't really have a plot.

Warnings: swearing


Tuesday, 1:08 pm

Unknown number: 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻

Unknown number: All these ghosts and I want YOU to be my boo

The Pineapple: Who is this

Unknown number: your worst nightmare

The Pineapple: ??

Unknown number: ok It's Joe

The Pineapple: Joe who exactly??

Unknown number: The only Joe you know dumbo

The Pineapple: There's no need to be an ass and I know multiple Joes actually, Joe Weller, Joe Jonas, Joe King, ect

Unknown number: you still keep up with Joe Jonas?? I haven't seen him since maybe Camp Rock?

The Pineapple: nevermind that, which one are you??

Unknown number: The only one who calls you a ghost.

The Pineapple: most people do...

Unknown number: Joe Sugg ring a bell??

The Pineapple: why aren't you using your phone

Unknown number: I left mine at home so I'm borrowing my friend Dan's, also I showed him a picture of you and he said you "look like a fucking pineapple"

The Pineapple: no I don't

Dan?: you kinda do, anyways I realized before I came to Dan's house Zoe wanted me to ask you about some collab Thursday? She wanted to know if you were still coming over? Her phone is broken and I don't let anyone touch my phone so she asked me to

The Pineapple: why? Did you forget to delete your nudes or something

Dan?: I don't take nudes. Ok maybe. Do you want to see them or something??

The pineapple: no no, that's ok mate keep them to yourself

Dan?: it's not like you haven't seen me naked before

The pineapple: that was a different situation.

Dan?: ok sure

The pineapple: anyways, yea I'll come over Thursday

Dan?: ok


Tuesday, 1:47 pm

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