The Tee Shirt You Sleep In.

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Prompt: I was in a shop and it seemed like they were playing the whole The Fault in Our Stars soundtrack because I recognized a lot from the movie, and Tee Shirt by Birdy stuck out in my mind so I wrote something small.

Warnings: none.

A/n: Just something short.

In the morning when you wake up, I like to believe you are thinking of me

Joe woke up hearing the cars on the road and the light sound of an airplane flying above. The first thing he thought of was Caspar.

His boyfriend was away on his book tour and Joe missed him. It had been three weeks since Caspar's tour began, three weeks since they slept in the same bed, three weeks since they've kissed. Joe wondered if Caspar had thought of him when he first woke up, just as he did; the thought comforted him.

And when the sun comes through your window, I like to believe you've been dreaming of me, dreaming

Looking up at the window, Joe realized he forgot to close the curtains last night before he went to sleep, again He thought of Caspar. Caspar was in so the sun would just be starting to shine through his window, maybe waking him up. Joe wondered if Caspar had been dreaming of him before he woke up.

I know 'cause I've spent half this morning thinking about the tee shirt you sleep in

Joe made his way into the kitchen, making a bowl of cereal. Joe thought about all of the little things he loved about Caspar while he ate his breakfast. His smile, voice, cleanliness, the large tee shirt he sleeps in at night.  Just as the thought came, Joe's phone made a noise, signaling he had an unheard voicemail.

I should know 'cause I've spent the whole day listening to your message I'm keeping and never deleting

Joe listened to the voicemail over and over again. Joe replayed the voice mail for possibly the millionth time:

Hey, Joe I had to wake up early to get to where I'm signing but before I leave I wanted the first thing I did today was speak to you, and I wasn't sure if you were up yet so I just recorded this messaged or you. I miss you a lot and I'm having fun signing and meeting fans and stuff... But it's not the same without you. It feels different to the hit the road tour, we were doing it together then, they were screaming both of our names, not just mine, and you would always be making jokes and it was fun, we would cuddle, kiss, hold hands, you would lay over top of me and I could feel your heart beat, you were warm and I miss that, I miss everything, your smile, jokes, laugh. What I'm trying to say is I miss you Anyways, I hope you have an amazing day, bye little pudding. I love you, Joe.

Joe loved Caspar's voice, it gave him a sense of comfort and safety. He was just so sweet and Joe did miss him. Caspar just made Joe love him more.

When I saw you, everyone knew I liked the effect you had on my eyes

When Joe had met Caspar, he, Troye and Zoe were at Alfie's, they were going to discuss filming ideas. Alfie opened the door and Joe saw Caspar sitting on the love seat. He had herd a lot about Caspar and seen a few videos but he had never met him in person and he liked what he was seeing.

But no one else heard the weight of your words
The result of brainstorming ideas were good, they decided to film an innuendo bingo on Joe's Channel, an interview with Troye and an accents game with Joe on Caspar's. Zoe and Joe decided to stay 'round and hangout for a little bit, Caspar wanted to play Fifa and asked Joe if he wanted to play with him. Joe already knew they would get along.

Or felt the effect they had on my mind, falling

Joe loved Caspar's voice, he had been listening to him speak ever since Caspar introduced himself. His voice was full of enthusiasm and happiness. Caspar was talking about how he liked to interview people and Joe was listening to every word.
Joe fell in deeper in love every day since then.

I know 'cause I've spent half this morning thinking about the tee shirt you sleep in

Joe was making his bed. When he moved his duvet, he smelled Caspar's cologne. He missed seeing Caspar's head on the pillow beside him, and the little bit of cotton from Caspar's tee shirt showing from under the duvet.

I should know cause use spent the whole day listening to your message I'm keeping and never deleting

Once again Joe replayed the message Caspar left him. He would never delete it and will probably listen to it everyday until he can see his Caspar once again.

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