1) Things Don't Always Work.

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Summery: Caspar's fallen for Joe, but does Joe feel the same?

Warnings: sadness. One swear word.

A/n: I wrote this a long time ago so it might not make sense because I've been moving this around and tweaking it and it may be confusing because stuff is just all other the place. Also I realized I haven't really published a 100% sad one shot and I think my writing is really cringeworthy so this is just an attempt.

This takes place in the apartment.


Caspar was on his way to meet Josh. He needed to talk to him about something really important. The group were taking a little visit to New York and were all staying at the same hotel. Caspar took a left and walked to the elevator.

Making his way up to Josh's floor, Caspar started thinking. Am I really going to do this, he asked himself. He nodded his head to give himself some sort of reassurance, but it didn't work; he wasn't any less nervous than he was before.

Caspar knocked on Josh's door and stepped back while waiting for someone to answer it. Conor opened the door giving a friendly smile and let Caspar in telling him that Josh was in the other room

When Caspar arrived in the area with two beds, he hesitantly knocked on the wall and saw a bright smile coming from the redheaded South African. Caspar didn't replicate the expression. Caspar's usually so happy and smiley so when Josh noticed Caspar's sudden change in his normal actions, his face immediately fell and he motioned for the frowning boy to sit down. "what's wrong buddy?"

Caspar sighed and shook his head "You know I'm bisexual, right?" Josh nodded, signaling Caspar to continue. "But I haven't told Joe yet."

"What? Why not?" Josh exclaimed. Caspar looked down started to play with his fingers in his lap. "Because I'm in love with him."

Josh was shocked, but not as shocked as somebody that hadn't seen how Joe and Caspar act around each other; he may have expected it.

Josh put his hand on his friend's back gently and gave Caspar a sad smile but Caspar still didn't look at him. "Oh, buddy." Caspar put his head in his hands to cover his mouth so Josh couldn't hear how fragile his voice was and see the tears in his eyes, but Josh could tell.

"I don't know what to do." Caspar mumbled, letting a warm tear fall into his palm. Josh patted the other boy's back letting Caspar softly cry "Just tell him. How do you know he doesn't feel the same?" He asked.

Caspar wiped his eyes one more time and sat up. "Because he doesn't look at me how I look at him. Joe always makes fun of me. He never shows affection and always pushes me away. He says certain things you wouldn't say to someone if you had a secret love for. We have a friendly platonic relationship and that's all it will ever be."

"But you know he's just taking the piss and when he pushes you off of him he's just doing it for the cameras as a joke." Josh tried to comfort Caspar but nothing he could say could make Caspar believe him.

Caspar started making his way back to Joe's and his shared hotel room but he was walking slowly just to stall because he wasn't sure what he was going to tell Joe or how to do it. Going to Josh's room didn't even help with his situation. All he told him was to tell Joe but how was he suppose to do that?
'Hey, I'm in love with you and I know you don't feel the same way but I'm just letting you know.' That would be useless information and it would make their friendship awkward.

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