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Louis and Zayn were finally able to sit and talk about Louis' past and Zayn wasn't holding back this time. Oliver was tucked up in bed with his stuffed elephant his daddy gave him. With the toddler knocked out from their day the two adults were finally getting to business.

"Alright," Louis began, pulling out his laptop "where do we begin?"

"Anywhere you want to Lou," Zayn replied "Don't hold back."

Louis chuckled, "you know I wont."

Zayn laughed, "yeah always have been a pain in the arse."

Louis beemed, "you know it baby."

Zayn stop laughing immediately, staring over at Louis with a shocked expression. Louis kept laughing until he realized that Zayn wasn't.

"Was it really not funny?," Louis huffed "that used to make you laugh every ti-" Louis snapped his head up, eyes wide.

Zayn smiled, trying not to blush "i-I did you?"

Louis cleared his throat, lowering his gaze,"I uh, yeah. Yeah I guess I did."

Zayn laughed, "things change Lou. It did always make me laugh."

Louis chuckled, "Alright, alright. What was me mum like? What was her name?"

Zayn froze, "I-uh. Are you sure you wanna know about her?"

Louis nodded, "Of course. She's my mum."

"Alright", Zayn took a deep breath before he started up again "your mum, she uh she was a nice woman."

Louis smiled, "yeah?"

"Yeah. She was a nice woman. Always took care of you when you were sick or just wanted attention away from your little sisters. She did that for a couple of years," Zayn swallowed "when we were in high school, you discovered something about yourself."

Louis looked up thoughtful, "yeah, I- that was when I knew I was ga-."

Louis stopped talking immediately, the memories and harsh words filling his mind. The breakdowns, the bullies, the alcohol, the blunts, everything. The one that stood out the most was the day his mum kicked him out and he started living with Zayn. Tears and Sobs overtook the small, fragile man as he leaned forward into Zayn's arms. Zayn immediately wrapped his arms around Louis, rocking back and forth to try and get the tears to subside, "Shh Lou. I've got you."

"H-how could she treat me like that? Me own mum? She used to love me and care for me. All it took was one day and three words to destroy me. That's it," he whispered. "Just 3 little words."

Now that the memories had been released, more and more tears were shed. How could his own mother treat him like such trash? He hadn't done anything but be himself and isn't that mums do? Aren't they supposed to love and care for you no matter what? Aren't they supposed to love you no matter the mistake or things you've done in the past? It was hard for Louis to come to terms with the fact his mother didn't want him, not like when he was little and he was his mother's whole world. He remembers the sweet kisses he got when his da left, the hugs and cuddles he got when he had nightmares, the unconditional love and care when he thought no one liked him. His first heartbreak, his first kiss, when he hit puberty, the bullying for his petite size. What happened to his mum?

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