Chapter 2 - December 2nd - Magnus

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December 2nd - Magnus

When I wake again, the fire lies extinguished in the fireplace, the white ashes and blackened wood in the grate the only reminders of last night's fire. Light streams in the window, and through the glass I can see that the snow is slightly melted, though still settled on the street outside. The beam of light coming through the windowpane rests on Alec, illuminating him in bright, white brilliance. He lies awake, on the opposite sofa, his eyes flicking from me to Toby and back. Something tells me he hasn't slept much, he's been watching Toby to make sure he's alright. His eyes are bruised with dark circles and he looks tired. A wave of guilt unfurls in my stomach, making me feel a little nauseous. I should've been awake too. I should've been looking after Toby too. He was really cold when we found him last night. And I wasn't vigilant, like I said I would be.

To my relief, Toby is just waking up. His eyelids flutter and his eyes open. He looks much better this morning, if a little confused. His blue eyes glance around the room, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings. He sits up slowly and looks at Alec and I. I'm surprised by how relaxed he is. He doesn't seem panicked, if anything he just seems shy. His eyes, after taking us both in, are trained on the floor and I feel sorry for him. This whole experience must be terrifying.

"Can I get you anything?" I ask. "Something to eat? A drink?"

"Could I have a water?" He asks quietly, and sniffs, his small button nose still red with cold.

I nod and go over to the kitchen. Over the counter I watch Alec and Toby as I get a glass out.

"I knew I could trust you." Toby tells Alec.


"Yeah. Because you have those marks," he points to the runes on Alec's wrists. "Like my Mom."

"Oh?" Alec asks, attempting to hide his shock. Toby doesn't seem to notice it. However, I know Alec well. His eyes widen a fraction before he composes himself.

"And she said that if I was ever in trouble, I could trust people with those marks."

"Your Mom is right." Alec says.

I fill the glass I'd forgotten I was holding and come back into the living room. I hand the water to Toby, who thanks me, and gives a tentative sip.

"Who's your father?" I ask, sitting down beside Alec.

"He's called Stephen, but he died." Toby says, matter-of-factly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I reply, feeling sorry for him. I shouldn't have said anything. But then, I suppose I couldn't avoid it. Still, it seems like this is perhaps not the nicest opening conversation the three of us could have experienced.

"That's okay. He died when I was little. I lived with my Mom, she...she just died."

"I'm...that's awful. I'm so sorry." Alec says, as my breath catches in pity. No child should be without their parents. And I should know. I never had a father, I barely had a mother. Toby doesn't deserve this, no one does. "Who was she?"

"She was called Amatis."

Alec jumps violently enough to move the sofa and I look at him, my eyes reproachful. Really, he could at least try not to worry the boy. What's Alec panicking about now? This is the second time in two days that he's freaked out about seemingly nothing. This really isn't like Alec. But, last night his fright was justified. Perhaps I should trust that he's justified now too. I'm just about to ask him what's wrong when he stutters out a response.

"W-what was their last name?"

"Mom was called Graymark. But I think Dad was..." he pauses, thinking. "Herondale?"

All I Want For Christmas Is You - a Magnus/Alec fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now