Chapter 6 - December 6th - Alec

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December 6th - Alec

Today, when we arrive at the Institute, Clary is waiting with Jace and Isabelle. Jace's arm is wrapped lightly around his girlfriend's shoulders, hand easily stroking her auburn hair. I nod to her as I come in.

"Come on," Izzy says, ushering Toby from the room. "Get geared up and let's start training."

Toby's training regime is intense because he's so behind the other young shadowhunters his age. It's not his fault, of course, but we still need to pack as much training as we can in to get him up to speed.

Izzy and Toby leave, followed by Jace and Magnus. Clary starts after them and I grab her arm as she walks past. She jumps and turns to me.

"Oh, hey Alec." She says.

"Hey, can I talk to you?"

"Sure." She says, looking both puzzled and concerned. "What's up?"

"I need to talk to you and Luke." I explain.

"Well, I'm right here and I can pass a message on to Luke." She offers

"No, I need to talk to both of you. Together."

I realise this sounds rather stubborn, but I have to do this properly. It wouldn't be right to send the kind of news I have to Luke via a messenger.

"Well, come back to Luke's with me tonight." She suggests politely.

I'm not sure I'm wholly comfortable with this arrangement, but this needs to be done, and going to Luke's and talking to them is probably the easiest way of doing things. Plus, Clary's family is nice enough, right? I haven't really met them, not properly. I know them like I know the Council members - vaguely, and like strangers on the street I'm aware of but don't really pay attention to.

"Okay, thank you." I say reluctantly.

She nods and turns around, leaving the room just ahead of me.

Despite not having much natural talent with a blade, Toby proves particularly good at movement work.

Being little and lithe, dodging around blades and under enemies attack shots are no problem. As a result, he's now doing aerial work, much to my distress. Aerial work is like the middle ground between dodging shots and the kind of gymnastics that mean we can flip over tables and other vaguely showy things.

"Okay, that's fine." Jace says, tightening the harness suspending Toby in mid air.

"Right." I say. "Now lean forwards, SLOWLY, and try to turn head over heels."

Somewhere deep in my stomach, I feel the sourness of fear unfurling as the image of Toby plummeting to the floor emerges in my mind. I have to force myself not to rush forward and check the harness, despite Jace's assurances that it's perfectly safe. One glance across at Magnus, who's watching Toby whilst anxiously biting his lip, tells me he's as worried as I am. I can read my boyfriend like a book. He's just as afraid as I am. I know this feeling, because it's similar to how I feel when I see Izzy or Jace fighting: the fear they might get hurt. But it feels different. It takes a moment for me to realise why: when Jace and Izzy fight, I'm not responsible for what happens to them. With Toby, I am. If anything happens, it'll be my fault.

Toby however, somersaults fearlessly. I exhale a relieved sigh as he straightens up, grinning. As the relief subsides, the astonishment sets in. Toby is good at aerial work, like, really good; he's fearless and his movements are precise and professional. Whilst I'd prefer he have a natural talent for actual fighting, this is a start. I just hope he won't end up as a shadowhunter who shows off and sails through battles on stunts and tricks alone.

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