Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Wait for it, wait for it........."


The three of them screamed at the top of their lungs. Mike laughed as the song kept playing. His friend Dave was over and his brother Jason was hanging out with them.

"I love that song!" Mike grinned as it came to a close.

"That is a good song," Dave agreed, "But we all know that's not the whole reason you like that song."

Jason laughed and then paused the song before standing up and going over to the wall where one of Mike's posters was.

"Hello, my love," Jason mocked as he touched the poster.

"Stop it guys," Mike muttered as Dave snorted.

"Oh Chester Charles Bennington, will you be my overage and illegal husband?" Dave asked as he knelt in front of the poster.

"I love your voice it's so dreeeeaamy," Jason said.

"Stop it!" Mike growled, "Come on guys."

"Chester, I love you, Chester I do," the two boys sang before falling into a heap and laughing. Mike glared at them before sitting down on his bed. It was mean that they continued to mock him about that. He'd confessed a long time ago that he was gay and he had a huge crush on the lead singer of Dead By Sunrise, his favorite band, Chester Bennington. He loved everything about that man. He was seventeen, turning eighteen in five months.
His parents were fine with the fact that he was gay but the kids at school weren't as nice about it. A couple of them made him feel pretty awful about himself. But he still had some good friends. One of which, was sitting in the room with him.

"Oh come Mike, we're just kidding. Besides, every girl wants Chester Bennington."

Mike tackled Dave and Jason laughed as Dave finally gave in and apologized. Mike smiled as he stood up and then helped his friend up.

"So what was your big news that you were going to tell us but then we got to distracted?" Mike asked. Dave's eyes lit up.

"Oh yea! You are never going to guess what happened."

"You got a date?" Jason asked.

"You made the football team?"

"You're getting a brother or a sister?"

"You're dog came back from the dead?"

"Okay seriously guys," Dave snickered, "When I said you'd never guess, you literally would never guess."

"Then tell us!"

"Right so I was at the drugstore today, buying batteries because my xbox controller died and I needed to beat this level. Okay? I've been working on this for a long time and...."

"Alright Dave, just get on with it."

"Right, so I'm in the checkout line when this guy walks up to the counter next to me and tosses a pack of cigarettes down."

"Holy shit Dave, cigs!?" Jason asked sarcastically.

"Stop it. Anyway, I glance up and you won't believe who it was! It was the one and only Chester Bennington! He was literally buying cigs right next to me!"

Mike couldn't believe it. Dave had been face to face with his idol and he hadn't been there. He wanted to cry.

"But that's not it. I started freaking out cause like, it was Chester Bennington and he seemed to notice that I knew him. So he smiled and was like, 'hey'. And I was like, 'hey my friends and I are really big fans of your band and your music is really good' and he was like 'how many friends do you have?' And I said 'Two.' And he literally pulled three tickets out of his pocket and handed them to me. There's a show tomorrow night at the place in town and we have front row seats with meet and greet passes!"

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