Accept and Prepare

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Dear Journal,

Sometimes I look back and I can’t believe what has actually happened. At the time we just accept it and get on with it. But when you look back sometimes you just realise how amazing, or horrible one thing was. You realize you didn’t cherish a moment well enough or how strong you actually are.

For me, looking back is something I don’t like doing. But when I do I’m amazed I got through it.  I’m here and I got through it and now I’m happy.

Human’s ability to recover can be quite something at times.

I remember going through the hardest part. The pain in my chest was unbearable at times.

I remember hoping, wishing, praying that it was all just a nightmare that I could just wake up from.

Or that someone could come and comfort me, tell me everything was going to be ok. Pick me up, support me through the hardest times of my life. Be there for me.

Neither of those things happened.

I don’t know how long I was like that for. But I’m sure it was quite a while, lots of long days of waiting and hopeless hoping.

One day I got the idea.

It wasn’t going to happen. I had to make it happen. As much as we’d like it, things don’t happen to you, you have to make them happen.

First step is to accept. Accept bad things happen and this time it happened and it affected you.

Then, prepare to move on.

“It is only through labour and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.” -Theodore Roosevelt


Hey guys :)

That’s all you know so far… If you’ve got any ideas for the story please comment! I want you guys to be a part of the story.

Also if there’s anything that makes you happy please share too!

So it’s nearly the summer holidays for me! :D I’m not going anywhere which is boring but that means I have more time to do other things like write stories!

If you like the sound of this please stick with it, I promise it gets better!

I’ll stop rambling now, hope you have/had a good day, whenever you’re reading this.

Laters, heart Tiffany

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