Why Me?

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That was how I felt. There was no point in trying to fight him. No point. Nothing makes sense. I didn’t understand. A lot of people ask this, I could relate then. Why, why me? What could I have possibly done in my thirteen years of existence to deserve this? The answerless questions piled up in my mind. The over asked question also popped up, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”



Is this the heart’s mercy? When you’re in so much pain that you can’t take it anymore?

Then there was a knock on the door.

 “Hello, is Caroline Reeves here?” The man’s whole body stiffened in surprise and his facial expression was priceless, I probably would have laughed if I wasn’t confused and shocked.

“It’s the police please open the door” Too late, the worst has already happened. It’s too late. Then the water works started again, tears streaming down my face. By then the man had clamped a hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming out.

Suddenly alert and conscious of what was happening. With the position we were in I kneed him where the sun don’t shine. After what he did with it, he deserved it.

With that he groaned in pain and he lost his strength for a split second while I screamed out a muffled “Help!” and managed to knock over a lamp at the same time.

“You bitch!” That was the only insult he seemed to be capable of that day. He managed to slap and punch me a couple of times before the police reached us.

Soon enough the police had knocked down the front door, not that the thing was locked anyway with this man’s trespassing and come through mum’s bedroom door. The horrible creature jumped up off me immediately and clumsily, putting his hands up in fake surrender “She asked for it sir, she wanted it, don’t listen to anything she says about rape” he said still quite obviously drunk.

I had wrapped the duvet closer around me when the police officer looked at me and clearly didn’t believe a word the man said.

“Sir I am arresting you under suspicion of sexual offence. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence” Then proceeded to produce a pair of cuffs and arrest the man.

After that everything was a blur.

Since the police ‘witnessed’ what happened there was no need to go to court with his case and he admitted it with the drunken state he was in. Straight to jail it was for him. That was that. I don’t even remember being me or paying attention when that happened I was too absorbed in my own little broken world.

The scars that were left behind weren’t going heal fast, perhaps they won’t heal at all. Who knows?

I let my mind wonder, it seemed quite funny, the police knocking at my door in the middle of the night just when I was getting raped.

Not when I heard the news they had for me it wasn’t.

There was a fight in town that got out of hand and while they were there they caught my mum in possession of drugs.

They were arresting mum too.

The fact that the drunken man who raped me was going to jail I was glad about. Hearing my mum was going to be in the same place, was devastating.

I was going to be taken to a care home? I got raped and my mum was arrested on the same night. It was too much for me to take in. I zoned out completely, I couldn’t focus on anything in front of me. Everything was blurry, since when was life this cruel?

Then I was suddenly shaken by a police officer “Hello? Are you ok?”

“Get off me!” I screamed and I ran. I had no idea where I was heading but I ran until my legs gave out and I collapsed into a blackout.


*Scratches back of head* ehh I'm so sorry! School started... and its stressful to say the least. 

Now I know there's problems with this chapter, it goes from past to present tense and back to past tense. Think of it as reflecting and some flashbacks?

I tried to add a weeeeee bit of humour to lighten it up a bit. After this it gets lighter I promise!

So imaginery readers, vote and comment please? :D

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