Meeting Strangers

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Dear Journal,

After that I had found myself waking up in a very typical movie scene. My eyes was greeted by a white ceiling, white walls, white sheets, basically everything that had a colour choice was white.

It was confusing at first but when I remembered everything that happened, it wasn’t so much. I had this rush of memories and flashbacks. Not pleasant at all I tell you. After recalling everything the first thing I felt was scared. To be honest I wasn’t even sure of what I was scared of, I just felt constantly under threat, like someone was going to come get me again.

Then a male doctor appeared into my room, “Hey Caroline, how are you feeling?”

I was still shaking from fear, opening my mouth to say something then shut it again.

The doctor only gave a small sigh then started talking again “It’s ok, I understand, but you must be wondering why and how you got here?”

I only nodded.

He nodded back “Well you see we found you collapsed in the middle of a street around 10 minutes from the police station and your arm was broken so we took you back here.”

Only then did I notice the throbbing pain in my right arm and I looked down to find it was in a sling

“We done a scan and no real damage was done so it should heal fine. A few discharge papers and you should be fine to go.”

“Thank you” My voice was a bit wobbly and horse but it was audible

“There are some people to see you Caroline, I’ll come back in afterwards.”

After the doctor left came in three people, of which only one I recognised, the police officer without uniform.

“Hey” he greeted.

“Hello” I replied “Sorry about earlier, I think I was in shock”

“That’s fine Caroline, I understand.”

He understands? Does he really? Does he really know what it’s like to be raped then told that their mum is in jail?

“Well I’d like to introduce you to these people who you are going to know a lot better over time I believe. This is Ms Amaral and she is a psychiatrist, yours to be more exact.” He pointed to the middle aged woman who was wearing a smart suit on the right side of him. “Hello Caroline please call me Lillie.”

Since when did I get a psychiatrist?!

I gave a small smile in the direction of Lillie “Call me Carrie” she nodded in response. “Carrie the police told the government about your case and after talking to Den-” She motioned towards a man who looked a bit younger than her, maybe late 20s who wore casual clothing and on the other side of the police officer “- they decided to get you some help so this is why I’m here” She explained. “We’ll get introductions done when you come see me. Please text me when everything is sorted out” She left her card in the bedside table. “See you soon.” She gave me one last smile with pity in her eyes which clearly said ‘poor girl’ before heading out.

“As Ms Amaral introduced, this is Den” it was the police officer who was speaking again. I looked over at Den who offered a smile, which I returned. “Den Bray. I’m going to be your care worker, at your foster home.”

Of course. I forgot, mum’s in jail and dad’s in a place I have no idea the whereabouts of.

Den held out a hand for me to shake but I only looked at it. Before I won’t have hesitated to take it but now, the idea of touching anyone made me panic. He seemed to realise as he withdrew his hand and coughed into his fist.

“Sorry, I understand”

Everyone seemed to understand that day, how funny.

“If you want, we can go now, get some things packed from your home?” I nodded then looked at the officer “Thank you.”

“No bother, only doing my job. If you’re happy to go with Den I’m going to go now.”

“Ok, what time is it?”

“Ten a.m”

“Ok, thanks”

A few papers signed then I was ok to leave. Den drove me to my apartment which I was paranoid about going into again.

When I stepped in I saw it a happen again.

I was running from the drunken man, I was racing to get to the toilet but I didn’t reach it when he grabbed my arm.

I screamed a high pitched scream and ducked.

Den was beside me almost instantly “Are you ok?”

“I-I’m fine. Sorry I don’t think I can…”

“That’s ok, do you want me to get your clothes for you?”

“Yes please, grab anything, my rooms the second one on the left. I’ll wait outside.”

After that Den got my clothes and we headed off to my new foster home where I was due to live until mum got out of jail or until I was old enough to live myself. It wasn’t how I expected it to be at all.


So it gets happier, yay! 

Thanks for everyone who's reading this! You're loved by me, all of you. 

Have a good day :)

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